Friday, December 23, 2011

What do you guys think about this?

it's mothers day and its time to express, since i can say more than every card in any store, i'll write for myself on how i feel now and how i felt before. todays a day of recognition of my heart condition, everytime i asked for permission and it wasnt given. for every burden that was lifted and shifted from the shoulders of my mother and dropped on the lives of every other. its been all about you since day one, every battle that was fought it wasnt over til you won. you continued to shove and called it tuff love, saying i'll regret everything once your looking down from above. i gave you the gratification, telling the world i was at blame. let you win your competitions and play your demented game. bossing me around like me and a puppy are the same. if this repetition of strife is the definition of life i'd rather not live being stabbed by a knife, but props to you to have a title of even being called a wife. im not mad and im not putting you down, im not even saying i dislike having you around. it's not your fault for the way i live, its not in my nature to say i forgive. im not asking for an explanation to your fascination of dictation and domination, and i believe your not expecting adoration or fake conversation because of an obligation, to make you smile. while. deep inside are feelings to be expressed that are worthwhile. you have the support of every single person in your life but me. you have everyone glad to be on their knees to make you happy so whether i kissed your *** to beg and plea, to fake that i love you, it wouldnt make a difference dont you agree? my gift to you on mothers day is honesty. thank you for the few things you've contributed with to make things the least bit better. and thank you for taking the time to read this letter. thank you for letting me practice on how to stand my own ground, and to not expect to always have people around, and to make sure i was used to being talked down. what you wanted is what you got, and when i was caught, you put me on the spot and made sure i never forgot. you had your brothers and sisters help you raise your child, and smiled. as you saw the misery you put everyone through, loved to make me wrong when i was right and you know its true. put me at fault out of the blue. i wonder if you ever wondered if it wasnt everyone else, maybe it was you? still, things dont change, how you are is how you'll stay. but you've always gotten your way, so i thinks thats enough for you to enjoy your mothers day.

I need some help easy 10 pts please help?

I'm 15 and recently things have been wrong and I don't no how to deal with them. I met this guy in february and hes liked me since. I told him i ddnt want a relationship until after school so he waited until june. We started going out then. We've liked eachother and been super close all feb-june and he said i love you. it was the first time both of us have ever said it too anyone. it was special and meaningful. We really trusted eachother and told eachothr everything and were together all of june. thn at the end of june we did stuff. not but other stuff. thn he wnt on vacation awhile later when he came bak it was all fine but i had personal issues going on in my life and he nvr rlly helped me thru thm and always made me feel bad about thm without noing it. thn at the end of august i met an old friend and we started liking eachothr but i stayed with my bf bc i cared about him and new it was rght thn a week later my bf broke up with me and was nasty about it not even a week later he had a new gf which crushed me even worse thn i already was. 3 weeks l8r he starts telling ppl in my grade (10th) all the stuff we did while we wr together calling me a slutt and easy. My friends have been sticking up for me but its making it worse and I really don't no wat to do im so crushed. and im so upset with myself for letting the othr guy who was nice to me at the end of august go. i really am so lost and crushed to pieces any advice

Why does it feel as if it would be so awesome to be famous?

Fame is great, you get all kinds of attention, you can even get away with murder, pedophilia, DUI's and other stuff; but you become a target and lose most, if not all, of your privacy.

Click, ta babes. :) 11 points?

Don't pet them know you are ditching them. Just little by little start hanging out the the other 2 more, and if they ask just say them asked you too. You don't need bad friends in your life. Excuse my French but **** Em! You got better things to do!

Aquatic tiny worm-like parasite?

I have a brackish water (part fresh-, part saltwater) aquarium with 8 spotted freshwater puffer fish in it and 1 African leaf fish. They are fed only frozen bloodworms and small aquarium snails. I live in southwest Florida and use tap water that is treated for the fish. I go to Petsmart sometimes and take some of the snails invading their aquariums to feed my fish and have recently noticed this very tiny hair-like worm parasite that swims up out of the rocks in the aquarium every now and then in a squiggly motion. An employee there stated that they are aware of these "worms" and that they believe they are from a fire-belly toad aquarium but are really unsure as to what they are. I'm having a hard time getting rid of them, though they don't seem to be directly affecting my fish. I know they're probably not anchor worms, because they don't attach themselves to the fish. I can sometimes see them curl up in a ball and when they do this it's hard to keep track of them, because they end up looking like the little air bubbles floating through the water. If anyone has any idea what these are and how to get rid of them, please let me know all that I can do and what to buy. I've only tried these alka-seltzer-looking tablets that you drop in the aquarium (I forget what they are called) that are supposed to get rid of some aquarium parasites and then when that didn't work, I tried simply cleaning out the aquarium and everything in it with scorching hot water, including replacing the filter inserts and everything. I just don't want to use anything dangerous for my puffers. Please help!

Getting into the Canadian Army?

As a young offender your criminal record would be sealed once you reach age 19. More at issue would be the ault complaints and the bad debts. You'd have to aska recruiter.

How can i win these mind games this girl plays?

It's a girl I been knowing since middle school and we seem to be flirting and talking late night on twitter we already told each other that we think each other cute and she knows im feelin' her.. Last night at a party when I walked in she came and gave me a real instant hug (a strong one) i danced with her alot of times (real dances) and i talked to her a few times n said i was go get at her she said get her number from twitter so i hit er taht night on twitter she didnt respond then the next mornin she hit me up on there about last night we had a quick chat then she hmu when i was sleep later saying "aye" i responded but she never hit back then she tweeted (not to me) she wanted to talk on the phone later on twitter and i hit her saying "drop yo number in my DM ima call you" she never responded but later she tweeted what i take as a subliminal "i know someone who is easy lmao!! haha" and im just confused is she playing games or im just going too fast?

Dose any one know how to make vegan gummy candies?

post recipes please. and no i will not eat animals. i am veg. respect it. and if any one tells me to i will report them. thanks.

Whistler xtr 690 vs 690se?

I just got a $949.95 Dell laptop (17 inch) for $137.32 and if you think that's an awesome deal, my neighbor just got a 42 inch HDTV for $76.25 that's being delivered tomorrow to his house. It feels great not to pay high retail like the rest of the people. I am even selling some of the stuff at retail to my co-workers making 10 times my money back. Check out the site we found, go to

Can I file for a custody modification?

You can try, but none of those are valid reasons to have his custody overturned if it was done through the courts. If it was not done through the court you may have a better chance.

DVD drive is not detected?

It could be the drive itself but first try this little software (link below), powerDVD is taking so long to startup. Make sure the DVD movies are dirt-free, use lukewarm water with soft cloth to clean those. If none of these helps, replace with a new DVD drive, it's cheap nowadays.

Is it true that Donna (in dr who series 4) turns out to be a bad character?

I read it some wher and i didn't know if it were true. Type in Doctor who series 4 into google and click on the third option

Why do pooh like honey?

Pooh is a big bear+Honey is his best food ever=And bear with the honey do you get it. Answers is in the hint i just given you just then.Try to get the answer. YOU GET IT RIGHT YOU GET A NOTHER ONE.

Can I cut a bullet shell in half?

I have tons of empty shell casings, and I want to use some for art. Can I cut them in half (long ways) and it be safe? They're all used but they still have that little thing on the bottom that ignites the powder so I don't know if its safe or not thanks!

What is stabilizing?

Balancing, if your asking about the human need to add more details to your question please.

Who wins this week's Packers/Falcons Divisional Playoff and why? (Score as well)?

Who will win Saturday Night's AFC Divisional Playoff in the Georgia Dome; The Green Bay Packers or the Atlanta Falcons, give me the final score and the X-Factor too.

I am 26, 5`7 and weigh 139 pounds, and waist size 32, am I underweight ?

I work for the Government, but work with the military, on a military base. A couple of weeks ago, we had a Employee Heath Day.(whatever) Anyway, my sup, made me go, they took my weight, and waist size etc. I was told for my age, height, waist size, and weight, i was too small(for a male). which i was told by my doctor, i was fine. is this true? or was it because, i was tested by people in the military?(the ones who did tested me, some of them thought i was in the military, and they were going to try to work with me to gain some muscle etc) i do know that eventhough i am thin, that i am out of shape, but i did not think that it was that bad, the way they are making it out to be.

Is there a way to push back the date of an eviction of tenant on foreclosure?

I live in Ohio. For two years we were under the understanding that we could purchase the home we have rented for 7 years. Its Fannie Mae and I guess since my parents owned it we can't buy it. They told us 2 days before Christmas even though they knew for 7 years and I never hid the fact theat I was related. My name won't be on it. This Monday a Deputy came and said my family has 10 days to get out. If you live in Ohio you know how snowy it is outside right now. I can't even find anything in the yard under the snow. We have a 3 and 6 yr old. The 3 yr old is on breathing treatments every 4hrs. I just need more time and it seems that NONE of the governments programs to keep families in their homes cover when a family member screws you over instead of a stranger. I just need a little more time. 10 days is NOT enough. what do I do

Where can i buy chinese lanterns in south california?

Amazon is the best place to buy chinese lanterns a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Please will someone go onto Youtube and rate my videos?

I was stuck in the house with an injury and played around with Youtube. I am proud of my ten years old GSD and her achievements and posted videos of her. Someone gave one of the videos stars and commendations, consequently this gets a lot of hits. Unfortunately the clips without stars or reviews have very few hits. Please will someone look at the clips of her on Youtube and comment if you think that she is worthy of this. Go to Youtube and click 9rubarb9. Hanna has her tenth birthday on Monday 12th January. She has had lots of problems and I never thought that she would survive.

What to do about this creep?

ok i think this guy is a bit of a ladies man or he thinks he is even though no one else dose i think you should tell him that u don't like him in that way and that u never will so he should just stop while he is ahead tell him that his behaviour is not acceptable and u are not a peace of meat here for his taking and his actions are making you uncomfortable if that that dose not work tell his to **** the hell off and i really think u should take his girlfriend to the side to tell her what he has been doing and don't rub it in her face she really needs to know :D

Any one know of some rock or pop style songs that use violin/fiddle or cello?

well memories, by within temptations is pretty and im pretty sure it has a violin in it. check on it!

Who's the most dude of all time?

Angus MacGyver's main et is his practical application of scientific knowledge and inventive use of common items—along with his ever-present Swiss Army knife and duct tape and the usual coincidence of being locked up in a room full of useful materials. The clever solutions MacGyver implemented to seemingly intractable problems—often in life-or-death situations requiring him to improvise complex devices in a matter of minutes—were a major attraction of the show, which was praised for generating interest in engineering[1] as well as providing entertaining storylines. All of MacGyver's exploits on the show were ostensibly vetted to be based on real scientific principles (even though, the creators acknowledged, in real life one would have to be extraordinarily lucky for most of MacGyver's ideas to succeed). In the few cases where MacGyver used household chemicals to create poisons, explosives or other things deemed too dangerous to be accurately described for public consumption, details were intentionally altered or vague.

How can you use only your first and last intial for facebook?

And if you can't please direct me to a group because I want to see whether there is a petition group for it. I hate puting my last name there. People will recognise me since the name is so unpopular.

How frequent is tourette's syndrome in the general population?

also what are the effects of tourette's and can anybody tell me where ta find a chromosome map with the chromosome number abd the location of the disorder on that chromosome

Why do England insist on using five front-line bowlers in Test cricket?

for me part timer always a horrible dream in test matches... they would work in 2 matches out of 100 matches when they bowled..

Thursday, December 22, 2011

What would happen if i followed seasoning with brining (in pure water) overnight? Would that work?

I usually brine my chicken for 1-2 hours in salt-water-herbs solution. I was wondering what would happen if i seasoned my chicken (with salt and pepper as i would prior to searing it) and then brined it in pure water (salt-less) overnight. Would that give the chicken the same moisture compared to the conventional method of brining (1-2 hours in salt-water solution)?

Will this camera snap a clear picture as soon as I touch the on?

sure? dont go to yahh answrs for this kinda question..i say go to best buy. bet ill be the only answerer

What does this mean? "herd nout fort ya ment to told couple of days ago neva mind"?

Someone just wrote this on my wall on Facebook. He's from Liverpool UK. And seriously, I dont understand what he just said. HELP!

How can i get my hair really blond?

Get it done professionally. Bleaching your hair yourself more than once to get it as blonde as you need it will ruin your hair. It will possibly even make it break or fall out. Get a professional's opinion.

Which is a good POS system to use?

I have used Quickbooks however, I have seen many softwares out there. Opinions? I have small retail granite business. Therefore I will need quote service, PO generation, etc.

Can you deactivate the tyre pressure sensors on a Renault Laguna?

Is it possible to deactivate the tyre pressure sensors on a 52 plate Renault Laguna Sports Tourer (Estate). Each time a new tyre is needed I end up at a Renault dealership. Can they be disabled, so that the Service light goes off on the dash?

Software to create DVD menus without re-encoding?

Can someone out here recommend me a program that will help me to create DVD menus? Actually I have many DVDs that contain home shot video. Now I want to put these DVDs on one DVD and create a menu for that. I don't want to add, delete, edit or re-encode the videos. All I need is a software which will import my vobs and create a menu for them. And please don't ask me to try Nero Recode as it encodes the movie all over again and that's what I really don't want. Thanks.

Why did my period start 11 days early?

My husband recently got a vasectomy reversal at the end of December. Since then, we have had in Januaruy (expect for the days I was on my period). At this point, we are not sure if the procedure was sucessful due to him having his follow up appt later in February. Well this week, I got my period. I started to spot, then eventually started my period exactly 11 days early. My period is normal, & I am healthy. However this period was different. Its brighter in color, and just different. Can anyone shed any light? Is there a possibility I can be pregnant? Can someone take a pregnancy test while being on their period?

My friend wants to buy Make up from argos. Any good?

One of my mates is thinking of n=buying some make up from argos because its cheap. Anyone bought make up from argos. If yeas is it any good. Tell me please the good and the bad things bout it. Thanks

Why is kevin garnett a loser?

Why is kevin garnett a loser.Since he got to boston,he has insulted the wolves,if it wasnt for us,that idiot wouldnt even be in the nba.I hate all boston teams because of garnett.

I received obnoxious proposals from a man, what should I do?

is name is Mr Green and he is a friend of a man I ... eh.. like. So, I would not want to be rude, but today I got a bunch of flowers from him, and on them is pinned a note. Now, you know a lady when you see her, and I stand very high in the society of my town. Yet he asked me to skip out to the woods with him, along with a jug of wine and a loaf of bread, and go signing and cavorting under the trees with him! I do take a little claret with my meals, but I am not in the habit of packing a jug of it and rushing into the woods with the man who I barely know! He was reciting a lot of rhymes by some person he called Ruby Ott, and who is no better than she should be, to judge by her poetry. I wanted to tell Mr Green to go on that scandalous picnic with that Ruby Ott, who wouldn't refuse, unless there being too much bread; but then I was afraid that Mr Pratt - the man who I like - will feel badly if I am too abrupt with his friend. What should I do?

Why were President Wilson's fourteen points important in WWI?

They were important because they were widely contested and controversial. Wilson's 14 points tried to set up a League of Nations that could be compared to the UN. Even though the European countries accepted this, the US didn't. The 14 points were attached to the Treaty of Versailles. The US legislative branch decided that the League put the US into a police nation and that wasn't the best thing for the country at the time. We didn't sign the Versailles treaty.

(Kinda Urgent!) Is our unborn baby ok?

Don't listen to things like "it must make this milestone within ___ time" thats not right. Every child is individual and your baby is just fine. She is resting before the big show (the baby) and preparing for birth. Don't stress out.

Middle East Music Poll: Dana International or Dana Halabi?

actually neither.... whilst both appeal to certain people, neither has any real musical talent in playing an instrument well, or writing music well and both have average voices. they are produced music not natural or real musicians.

Why did Texas Governor say that he is a prophet?

maybe he said "profit"...which is why jobs are fleeing their home states,ie California,Michigan et.TO the Great state of Texas....

Can my girlfriend get pregnant in this situation?

Im a big worry wart and i wanted to know if my girlfriend could have gotten my pre- on her hands by touching my then putting on a trojan-enz spermicidal lubricant condom. i didnt know if the pre-*** could have transferred on her hand and then onto the end of the condom. also today is the 30th day of her cycle and she hasnt gotten her period yet. I just wanna know what u guys think

What percentage of Ireland was employed in the agricultural sector over the past hundred years?

I know that it was huge in the 1900s and tiny now but actual figures would be much more impressive. Thanks

This war that is going on!?

why is it all the time we bring up terrorism of the Islamic nature when we get bombarded with "look what the IRA did " it is completely different. at least they did give warnings! what these islamic terrorists are doing is just behond belief. Just in case I get my head bitten off for mentioning the IRA i absolutely despise them as and all terrorists!??

What test is more accurate or thorough: hair follicle exam or urine ysis?

If I wanted to request an exam to test for drug use, which test would be the best one to request: hair follicle exam or urine ysis? Which one would find something even if the person hasn't taken the drug in some time?

Why does my steerting wheel vibrate when braking over 50 MPH?

I have an Infiniti I30 and my steering wheel vibrates when I apply brakes at sppeds over 50 MPH. Had brake pads, wheel bearings and rotors replaced at Midas in February. Took it back to them and they said that a caliper was sticking. Replaced both front calipers and pads again and the problem still exists. Braking feels normal at lower speeds. Do not wanna to go back to Midas because they obviously do not want to stand behind their work and can't seem to get it right. Could someone list the possible causes of this problem before I go to a different shop and get robbed again? At least I'll have some idea of what is ridiculous or not. Thanks.

What do you guys think about La Dispute:P?

My friend turned me onto La Dispute one day in Art cl. I was shocked by the vocals. The vocals are really hard to explain. Its like he's a horrible singer, but he really isn't. It really contradicts itself. Plus, they have great music to back the lyrics and vocals up. Truly a great band.

Did Bruce Springsteen ever work out?

he is a pretty big guy, small and stocky but for a man of his profession of constant touring how does he have the muscles has or are they just natural?

Estimate value of Willem de Kooning's abstract expressionist painting — American Boy: Rory Emerald?

You need to provide a fuller description of this piece and preferably a link to a photo. His paintings range from thousands to millions.

Whats a good loan for debt consolidation if you have bad credit?

i want to consolidate 1 personal loan 2 CCs and an extra bill i want to get rid of into one loan...totals out to be about 4400 dollars. Whats a good loan if i have bad credit

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pregnancy after Diane 35?

I have been on Diane 35 for about 2 years now (but on the pill in general for about 17 yrs). If I as much as missed one day of Diane, I had light breakthrough bleeding. I recently bled for a month straight (very light) so I stopped the pill (apx mid Aug). The bleeding stopped but my period has not come. No cramping, nothing. I know it might take some time for my body to get back to normal but in the past, missing one pill made me bleed. Or if I stopped the pill, I had what seemed to be a heavy period. The fact that nothing is happening has me concerned. Has anyone else experienced this on Diane 35?

Where can I find a make your own den kit for my son?

Ages ago I saw a kit with poles and squares with which you could make your own kiddies den, you can change all the parts around and make loads of different shape dens, but now I want to buy it, I can't find it anywhere!! Any ideas please? Must be UK delivery

I'm About To Give This Note To A Girl I've Liked For A Very Long Time...?

This note sounds like you put a lot of heart into it, good job. IF I WERE HER and I liked you, this would definitely make me feel more affectionate towards you. Well written note, make sure to include your name.

What comprises a standard issue nerd uniform?

a t-shirt that reads: "I mastered Dungeons & Dragons, and all I got was this stupid t-shirt"

I had a dream that I was almost attacked by an elephant. What can this mean?

In my dream, I was in a church ceremony. I don't know if it was a wedding, or just a regular service. I was sitting on the front row. A woman was sitting on the elephant at the front of the church. During the prayer, the elephant started trumpeting. Then, it reared back and started going wild. The elephant stomped the woman beside me (she ended up being okay) and I ran along with the rest of the congregation and hid with a little kid and his dad. His dad mentioned something about being surprised that they didn't release everyone by rows like they normally do. Then, everyone went back into the church sanctuary and there was a smaller elephant and everyone continued the ceremony.

Italian vogue... help with subscribing!?

I live in the states and want to subscribe to Italian vogue, I cant find where I can do it online! Help??

26 Things to Do in the Elevator LOL?

One more: Start shaking all over, then roll your eyes back in your head, saying in a really deep, creepy voice, "I MUST FIND A MORE SUITABLE HOST BODY!!!".

Which of these performance best suits a beginner bowler?

I want to purchase my own bowling ball. I will have my own coach soon, and I am going to join my high school team. Tryouts are at the very beginning of school. I usually bowl for fun. I have now been bowling once a week for a few consecutive weeks. After doing extensive research, I have concluded with the following beginner's : Storm Tropical Storm, Power Groove, Roto Grip Sword Nomad, Roto Grip Mars and Pluto. My question is, which of these ball will be suitable for the best playability in competitions/tournaments for a beginner with a coach?

Best bingo site?

im looking for any bingo sites where u get free plays without depositing any money first, i need it for research on gaming sites thanx

Can iguanas eat Peanut er?

Most will probably eat it but i highly advise against it. Peanut er is loaded with sugar and is not healthy at all for an iguana. Stick to a diet of dark leafy greens such as collard, kale, endive, etc. NO LETTUCE and a small portion of fruits like strawberries, bananas, and watermelon. Squash and other veggies can be added to their diet too but the dark leafy greens should make up the majority of their diet. And make sure they have the proper uva and uvb lighting. I can not stress how important this is with a juvie iguana!!

Is it possible to stay without having throughout life?

Dont throw tantrums at me frens.I dont want to marry b-coz im too suspicious on a virgin till now i expect the same from my man too.I dont tink its a possible thing these days.So il stay single.My doubt is whether we can stay single thro out.or get ual fantacies as u grow 23 now

How does a giraffe use its long neck ,rough lips, and long flexable tongue?

well, it uses its lips, and long neck to reach the leaves on the trees. So yes it does need them to survive, thats my opinion anyway.

Hi, this is a question I am asking for my mom. She wants to meet Military men, is there any free sites.?

My mother has decided that she wants to meet Military men, and she wants to know if there are any free site to join with out paying to email someone, a site that is free in and out. My mom has been through a lot, shes been divorced for about 12 years now. She is a beautiful, wonderful, caring strong woman, who is looking for something long term, and no games. Her ex boyfriend whom she loved and cared for broke her heart and she caught him red handed talking to another woman and he was already mistreating her , so she was suspicious about his changing behavior towards her, because he was down talking her as well. Is Yahoo Personals free through and through, I been on it myself, but I never joined I just browsed a couple of times.

Can you help with basic college level trig dealing with angles and radians?

if a car travels at a speed of 60 miles per hour, find the angular speed (in radians per second) of a tire that has a diameter of 2 feet

Evolution and Eugenics, are they right?

i somewhat agree, its along the same lines of what hitler wanted. But hitler wanted rif of Jews, Blacks and intellectuals, therefore his beliefs did not support the extermination of "low genetic quality'. Because Blacks, Jews and intellectuals are not of 'low genetic quality'. As for moral religious laws, good question

How does it feel when a best friend pushes you around?

I have this friend. She always thinks friendships are a competition. She always has to be better friends with my friends. Then she always tries to impress guys and if we are hanging out with guys she will only talk to them and just not talk to me at all. She is always like awww poor "bob" when they get a little pebble thrown at them. Ever since the beginning of the year she never invites me over and we don't talk much. She always wants me to talk or invite her over first. All she wants his more friends and guy friends. She is annoying and is pissing me off. I told her how i feel earlier and she just said she doesn't care if im not her best friend because she is jealous im better friends than her with one of my Friends in the first place. We used to be best friends and now she is a big flirt and friend . Help..What do i do??? I have no one to talk to because no one knows how im treated because she is a suck up to them. If im rude to her everyone is going to be on her side. Help!!!

HDMI CABLE HELP cheap or expensive?

I know there are some people who will try and sell you a way overpriced HDMI cable. When I got my TV at best buy, the salesman wanted me to buy a $90 cable, which I thought a bit much for cables. I got my 6ft, 1.3 gold plated for $13 at I haven't noticed any quality difference compared to my buddies tv(he uses Monster cable) Unless the two are side by side, and even then you have to strain to find a difference, I say save your money and go with the inexpensive cables.

Good ways of securing a gun safe?

Hey yall, Im startin to get a good little collection of guns and am going to be getting a gun safe in the next couple of months. I have around 8 now and i know it will go up, however im in college right now and just want a way to secure them better. I know that when i get older and more settled that ill get a bigger one with all the bells and whistles, but for right now i just wanna get one of those 15 to 18 locking cabinets. My neighbor, and best friend just had 4500 worth of guns stolen. We feel it was a personal attack but you just cant trust anyone no more, and thats a shame. But i was wonderin if yall knew what i might need for one. I know a de humidifier but as far as if there are any tracking devices or anything like that, because my fear is that someone will just walk off with it all. And like i said i am in college so money def isnt floatin around or nothin, just want a little piece of mind! And also, i am rentin the house, so i cant bolt it to the floor, which is why i need some ideas. Thanks yall!

How can I ask him about drugs?

I work in a preschool. A teenager comes there four days a week to practice. One day a week he goes to his preparing school for misbehaving students. In august he's supposed to restart at the real school again. I'm wondering if this guy is using drugs. He smokes cigarettes and that often lead you straight to drugs.. He has difficults with coming in time in the mornings and he has been at home for too many days already. I want to ask him if he uses hashish or something but I don't think he wants to tell me the truth. How can I ask him to get the sincere answer?☺☻

Envelope Mailing Schemes - How Savvy Are You?

I have just sent off for one of these, thinking I would actually be helping advertise products for a marketing company. Instead of which, they want you to lure other poor saps into paying the �50 start-up fee through use of flyers. Me, I believe this is immoral. A job should be something one should be able to have pride in, serving a real and useful purpose. Me, right now I make coffee and toast for bus drivers and get up exceedingly early to do so - but the bus drivers respect me for doing them a service which means a lot to them, even if it may not signify a lot to anyone else. These mailing schemes must lower the morale of all that are involved, because they do nothing for anyone besides luring folk into deceiving other folk that there might be some real, useful work for them to do at a time when many people are finding themselves out of work. Do you find this equally disgusting as I do?

Michael Bay VS Uwe Boll?

uwe boll is by far the worst director of all time, because they turn good or decent adaptation to crappy movies.

Teens: What are your views censorship ?

Censorship on little kid channels and shows is usually good, so long as they don't go overboard. I agree that I don't necessarily want little kids seeing Viagra commercials, hearing swear words, seeing dead bodies, etc. But on channels for older teens and adults it is just stupid. I'm just talking about TV, but I believe the same general things for most situations where it could become an issue.

Can you diagnose please?

my 22 years old son has been ill for three years now and his symptoms are gradually getting worse.. It started wih sweating just in the pelvic area back and front and a smell of feaces.. now he gets a tight chest with pain, mouth ulcers, when he eats he goes dizzy almost tranquil and his stomach hurts whereever the food is. he has blood in some of his stools its the last bit where the blood is, sometimes it looks like a period he said. he still sweats from the same area. the doctors have found a hernia at the topof his stomach [which would explain his constant repeating acid.. he confided in me and he said he'd slept with a african woman when he was in lanzarote three years ago, he said one of the smells that his body smells of is what he smelt on her, He thinks its a parasite of somekind, he what do you think?


A friend of mine had this operation done. Her experience regarding the procedure itself was very good. The recovery time was maybe one week. Unfortunately, because her band was too loose, she did not lose the weight. So you have to be careful with this. I have met a man though who underwent this surgery too and he told me that he lost like a hundred pounds or so. He looked good, though I guess that without clothes he would need plastic surgery. I did notice though that he had to be very careful with his eating for the rest of his life. For him the operation was really worth it, he has now a more normal life. So, I guess if this is really your last option (i.e., exercising and eating healthy is nor an option), this operation is a good choice. I will help you lose the weight if done correctly and you will feel much better about yourself, etc. However, you will have to take care regarding what you eat for the rest of your life. Good luck!

The Shining movie question?

I've seen the Shining 3 times now, but there is still one part I don't understand. Towards the beginning mrs. Torrance says that some good has come from Jarck hurting Danny, that he quit drinking after he hurt him, and she says that was 5 months ago. But then at the bar, when Jack is wih Lloyd, Jack says about how he will never be able to live it down and that it was 3 years ago. Is there something I'm missing here or is it just part of Jack losing his mind?

Would being roommates with an insecure friend who is very nice be a wrong move?

A girl that I met at school who is in the same program as me wants to move in with me. I'll be having my own room and restroom and she will have her own room and restroom. The thing is she's very sweet but a little insecure. Also, its her mom that owns the condo and she keeps on insinuating that she wants her mom to sell it because its costing her a lot of I told her just let me know if she's thinking about selling it because I can just find another place to live. She said, oh no she's not going to sell it...I just want her to sell it because its hard on her... and if she does we can just rent together elsewhere. Hmmm... I don't like wishy washy people. She's a very indecisive person too (I got to know her a little better through-out the semester). Should I just move into a home that has a room and restroom available? That way I don't have to deal w/ roommate drama or getting kicked out? Then again, I'm new on campus and seem to think she's really nice.

Problems with a stocker / previous stocker?

Yikes. Well, stalkers are never good. Apologize to the other kid if you want (even though it wasn't your fault) and for this new kid, tell him to leave you alone or you will bring other people into this. Always bring friends, family, faculty, etc... into the picture so that he gets the idea that messing with you is not a good idea. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this, and I don't really know what else you could do.

Is my baby moving???

I have been feeling right below where my ribs meet and underneath my a feeling like a bubble is coming up and popping... could this be my baby moving and air bubbles are being released?? im 4 months and i dont kow what it feels like

Bridge building design?

For physics we must create a bridge with 6 1 meter balsawood? sticks that can hold I'm estimating about 20 pounds. Any ideas? I'm thinking of making a repetitive triangular base

If a person dies with no family or heirs, who handles settling their estate?

this kind of situation is why it is a good reason to make sure that you ign a power of a attorney even if you have no will. that way you know who is going to make the decisions about your estate, after your ping.

Are the pontiac vibe or the pontiac aztek decent vehicles?

please no comments about them being ugly i like the looks of them and their some what sporty looking suv/van thing,i just want to know if their ok as far as dependable and ok to work on

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Are ford expedition rims inerchangable with ford f150 rims?

i have a ford f150 fx4 off road it has stock 18" rims on it. can i put stock 17" expedition rims on my f150. they are both 6 lug hole rims.

How to resolve my Yahoo Instant Messenger?

Over the course of a couple weeks my Yahoo Instant Messenger has been acting up, but tonight it reached a new level of frustration, As I was typing today, my computer decided to disable me from communicating with every person on my messenger list. Whenever someone buzzes me or tries to type a message, it will acknowledge that they are typing (for example it may say, Lindsey is typing a message on my end) but once they press enter the message will not show on my side of the screen, just as if i were to press enter my message won't show on my side of the screen. However, both my and the other person's comments will show up on their message box. Then as if it couldn't get any worse whenever they try to call my computer I can accept the call, I can hear what they are saying but now it won't let them read what I type. Please if you have had any experience with this sort of problem your input is appreciated. Thank You.

Which Quarterback will make "the leap" this season (Read On)?

I say Aaron Rodgers. Showed flashes last year and after a year of experience I think this year he makes "the leap" and the Packers (Who still have most of the team that nearly won the NFC in 2007) win the NFC North again

Is SHINGLES contagious?

I have an aunt who is 62 yrs old and with diabetes and is diagnosed to have SHINGLES. There's other old person in the house and children who haven't got chickenpox. Is it contagious? Do we have to quarantine her?

Buying [West] African textiles in NJ/NY/PA area or Online?

I'm looking to make a wedding dress for next year out of handcut voile lace & african metallic gold prints -or- brocade but I'm having trouble finding places to look at fabric. I live in northern NJ but I'm willing to travel to NYC, Philly, CT and anywhere in between to look at fabric stores that have a good selection in African fabrics. Stores with or without websites are appriciated, exclusive online store & wholsale outlets are ok too. THANK YOU!

How do you get to own a nissan skyline in puerto rico?

You can go to any Nissan dealer in PR. Yes we have Nisan in PR. Anyway, if they do not have it, then buy it in the US & ship it over for a couple thousand $$ extra. Rosa del Monte will ship it

Is my fantasy football team good?

I agree with everyone that TO is an absolute beast, but you got 2 top 10 recievers out of it. Good pick up! Willie and MJD should be traded for someone more stable.

What genius stratagem did Obama use to graduate from Columbia without honors and still get into Harvard Law?

For that matter, why doesn't anyone from Harvard remember him? why are there no records, why hasn't anyone come forward that can say they ever even bumped into him in the hall? Too many questions, not enough truthful answers.

Should Infertility END a marriage?

Yeah, infertility could be a reason to end a marriage from a woman's point of view, I mean, if the guy was infertile, most women would dump him... but... from a man's point of view, not, that's not a reason to end a marriage, why your husband doesn';t consider adopting?

Can someone interpret this dream?

I was in a museum. I was wandering around and everywhere I went I would find heart shaped stones. They were all different. I remember one was half pink and half stone like. That particular stone was sitting on a bench. Next to the ston on the bench was a mans head. The guys head could look around and seemed alive but he didn't have a body. On top of his head was a ringing phone and I answered it. The person on the line was somebody very close to me and kept saying "I'm so sorry about 1947" this person was hysterically upset and crying because they were sorry about something in 1947. I would find other phones to pick up at other places in the dream and every time I answered the phone it would be the same thing. The biggest part of the dream was me standing in the middle of a room with 3 triangular pillars that were standing at the points of a triangle. I had a staff and all I had to do was put it in this hole and I would know everything I ever wanted to know. But I didn't do it.

Rate my Pokemon Team?

it looks pretty good, i'd just say if you are doing double battle...idk if you are, just make sure you match them well

Baby names, just a few ideas.. you like, or no?

We haven't done a whole lot of brainstorming yet for names.. but my boyfriend mentioned Hunter and Gamble. I wasn't sure of them.. but i'm kind of warming up to Hunter. I researched Gamble and it means old or something.. and i guess i just don't know if i like the sound of it. I like the name Tate. Last name Crosby. What do you think?

Doctor Who series 2 (2006)?

I tought satans pit was exellent, it had a brilliant plot and made me think about "The Devil" My Fav!

What makes the EPL Tougher than La Liga?

Lol...i would have to go with e) other. The thing the makes the EPL tougher is that the players themselves are tougher. La Liga might have most of the best players in the world, but the EPL has some of the toughest (except Eduardo). Plus the talent is spread throughout all the teams in the EPL unlike La Liga.

Do i need this tripod?

Depending on how you tripod is made you can just change the head... but if the legs are wobbly too... you might as well get a new one... look at some of the tripods on sale at Ritz camera


will there ever be a xbox handheld? please no rumors, and make sure it's from a reliable source b4 answering.

The duel TV game showl which aired april 11 2008 friday?

i think the question was asked what city is the furtherest to the west, and the answers were spokane wa, los angles ca, san diego ca and reno nv which was the right answer, i dont get it can some one help out with this.

What makes blackberries popular?

Maybe at some point in the past they were the first to launch something that business persons needed to be in their phones. And since then they became popular.

Who was backing Katy Perry up at her teenage dream tour?

Hii, I went to watch Katy Perry last monday and some dj guy was backing up Katy Perry just before she came on. He was really good and I enjoyed it muchly then forgot his name so if you could help me that would FAB. :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

How often should i clean my geckos tank?

Okk, so i obv clean up his droppings everyday and change his water ever morning but how often should i completely clean out his whole tank like taking everything out washing everything and replacing his shavings ? iv only had him a week before all the haters start=))!!!! but thanks to everyone else xxx

Creative fundraising ideas?

A friend and I wanted to do something for the community or others in need so we thought of a fundraiser. We need ideas on crafts to make or things to do to raise money to help a cause. And we haven't quite figured out a good cause yet so if you have any ideas any help would be great!

Do you think the media spent way too much coverage on the "Don't Ask-Tell" repeal?

I couldn't agree more. There are way more important issues such as the START treaty that they should be covering. When you really think about it, gay or straight, they are U.S. citizens and this is their country as well. They should have to right to serve just like anyone else. I don't personally agree with their lifestyle, but it is not my place to judge. The only problem I have really ever had with s is the constant flaunting. You don't see straight people going around having "straight pride parades" or "straight day at Disneyland". If they don't flaunt the fact that they are gay I don't really think anyone will even notice. I work a lot with the military, and believe me, they are already serving anyway.

Who gave Senator Joe Biden pre-presidential permission to eat Rory Emerald's pineapple pepperoni pizza?

Permission I don't know but you might ask Joe Biden if Bush gave him permission, but please tell me how he answers you. That is if you can repeat on Yahoo answers.

Mohammed on Broadway!?

Now that ive stirred up so much interest andexcitement i want to do Mohammed the Musical on Broadway but like the great Hair in the sixties and seventies I believe that artistically and creatively the great Prophet should be unfettered or enberred by clothes so it will all be performed in the . imagine a cast of hundreds, young nubiles and of course naked young (Over 18 ) Boys a favourite of Mohammed. A singing dancing fantasmagorical celbration of his grace the Prophet. Who do you think should play the role, obviously they would have to be a Jewish actor as they are circised

Does anyone know when the next psp will come out?

does anyone know when the next psp console will come out because im trying to decide what handheld console to get, i was thinking of the nintendo 3ds but id rather a new version of the psp.

Is there a chance my ex and i can get back together?

I have been in a similar situation as you, and bets are, your ex still cares about you. However sometimes letting the other person know how you feel, isnt the smartest idea. Be friendly to him, when you give him back the dvds, but dont let him know how youve been obsessing over him and whatever he might be doing.good luck!

Question on water heater for turtle?

We had a friend giving away his turtle, he lost interest and didn't want to care for it anymore. We went out and bought all the supplies needed (I think) We have a 25 gallon tank, filter, heater, turtle dock, UV light, and heat lamp. I've also bought a water heater but I have a question about it, I bought a 25 gallon heater, but its very tall. The top can't be submerged but when the water is at the minimum height, it makes the turtle dock too high and close to the heat lamp. Do they make heaters out there that can lay down and is completely submersible?

Adjust 1999 Isuzu Rodeo headlights?

How do I adjust the height of my 99 Isuzu Rodeo's headlights? Going to put Xenon HID Light Bulbs in it soon, but noticed that my Brights and Low beams are the exact same height =/ Help?

How do you say giraffe in sign language?

i'm trying to learn some sign language on my own but the books i have don't have all of what i need, i want to be able to say giraffe and platypus because they are my favorite animals, please help me if you can. i need a picture of how to say them just so i know i'm doing it right

I have a list of senior quotes I wanna use,but I need help picking the best one...any ideas?

Choose the one that best describes your beliefs. You have a lot of Biblical quotes there (always good IMHO), but #2, 3, and 6 don't seem to fit in with the other things you're trying to express.

When sending an email how do yuo do this?

Upload the file to a photo sharing site like photobucket and type in the html code (using the html option)

Is this the new "scientific methond?"?

No, sorry. They're still using the same method which has led to the results that you wish you could deny, but you actually can't.

Do you think concealed convoluted politicians would grasp what I am trying to say?

No they are ruled by their own greed for power and surreptitious control. They do realize that their power is threatened by the liberty of the mes.

HELP!!!! A BIG list of countryside activities for problem kids!?

A petting zoo, a working dairy farm or chicken farm, sledding, climbing up high snowbanks in a safe area. You don't say what type of climate you are in, so not easy to come up with much. Sometime mentoring is good; it gives them an eo boost to help, self esteem and makes thhe other child feel special too. Summertime is good for berry and fruit picking and then enjoying the sweet results. Discussing the activity before going, highlighting parts of it are good motivators, too.


the friend obviously took notice of you and is maybe sparked a lil flare for you..the girl u like seems like she likes you and wanted u make a move b4 but took a lil long so shes moved on.and dosent seem like she wants be anything more than freinds with you..but hey the other gurl took a intrest and saw how compaasionate u was soo u may have a chance with her..good luck boo,....

Why do the vietnamese refugees next doors have a bentley?

If your sure they are refugees you can bet ur left (or right) nut theyre getting government istance.

WOW all the hate towards my question?

If I choose to follow you around so that I know what you are doing, then it's best for me. I wounder how many std's your partner gave you because you ain't want to seem "Crazy". But I wasn't bout to be no victim of a bad case of stds because i didn't know if he was cheating. Condoms don't always work. Now I know, and I think everybody else should know. his fam won't think I'm crazy, because they think he cheating too. Now, hopefully, you don't run into him or the stink hoochie he was with. (neva know who she was with)........It goes on and on.........

Who is the BEST LOOKING person on YouTube?

this asian chick or this mexican chick who gives advice about stuff, but she is pregnant now so not so much

I need help with the start of my story?

Im writing a story about vampire sisters and I want to start off with something kinda spooky. The names are Emi and Mai. I don't want any 'Once apon a time' Please thanks. =] xx

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option?

You are the chief information officer and a company that need an application of strategic importance to your firm. What are your options for acquiring the necessary software? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? What information would you require to make the best decision for your company?

What is the best voice recorder to record lectures in large halls?

I need to buy a voice recorder not more than $100.It should be small as i can keep it in my purse.And should be able to hear the lectur clearly even it is recorderd from 30 feets from the lecturer.[And i dont like to keep the recorder on the table so i am keeping it inside my bag while recording.]And recodings must be able to take to my PC.And it must can record about 20 hours,can be recharged like mobiles.Its better if it has a USB hub.Is there any recorder with these capabilities.

Need views on the poem I wrote?

It is clearly a catharsis of anguish and usually makes one feel good to put it on paper. It means more to the writer than to anyone else. Needs grammar and punctuation work, though. I don't quite get the metaphor of unleashing a cage. How do you do that? Also, how does demise beat? Never heard of that, either. Clearly an attempt to exorcise some internal demons or pain in a flurry of imagery obscured by innuendo. You are trying to articulate the reality of pain through surreal verbal manipulation. Reasonable try, though. Keep at it and you may develop your talent.

Now hes making out i pick on him eh?

I think dude has some issues. He's just looking for his next flirting victim and you were it. He was never looking for a relationship with you. Or maybe he realized that you were the stupid, get engaged after a month, type and ran away. He needs to be on the pills

On viva pinata on x-box360 how do you make medicine and a jack-o-lantern?

In order to get medicine you must buy a jar of honey from the shop, place it in your garden and then get the guy who transforms items into different items to come and turn the honey into medicine. The jack o lantern is the same idea but with a pumpkin instead. Sorry but i can't remember his name, but you can find the guy in your menu along with other guys such as cost a lots store. The guy offers different selections of bronze, silver and gold choices, these just mean the probability of the transformation working, get gold, gold always works.

Do I need to itemize federal to get a state tax deduction?

I know that to claim deductions on your federal tax return you need to have a list of deductions that add up to more than the standard deduction available to each individual (or couple). Is the same true with a state tax deduction? My state offers a deduction for contributions to a state-run 529 plan. Do I have to itemize my federal (or state?) tax deductions and have a greater deduction than the standard deductions to take advantage of this? Or is it just a deduction from my taxable state income, regardless of itemization?

My teacher is being completely dishonest and i have to APOLOGIZE?

If you HAVE to say sorry say something like Oh, I'm So sorry, but the thing is you don't believe me, I feel very discriminated, just because you always catch me doing things, doesn't mean I am nothing but a liar. Keep going on with stuff like that to make him feel terrible. I have a teacher sorta like that but he is a math teacher, but I don't get in trouble, since I don't talk a lot. But I think you and your friend should stop talking a lot, and talk less, then he won't bug you.

Why does the (Elmer's) spray adhesive glue stain my cardstock paper when I use it for my wedding invitations?

What am I doing wrong? I spray it as directed, put the cardstock paper in place and it bleeds through, leaving a wet stain.

How can i find out more about getting subsidized living?

i am 20 and pregnant i cant work right now. me and my boyfriend need a place to live but he only makes 1500 a month before tax. i was looking for a way to get help for rent or a cheap rent based on our income but im not sure how to go about it. ive looked online and cant seem to find what im looking for. any one know about this?

My cats also found a hotspot on the floor. Is it common for insulation under slab to move??r=1262026327?

If its under a concrete slab it cannot move and from experiance cats will sleep anywhere there is any kind of warmth however little

How can I bring my DAW sounds on stage without a computer?

I bought a M-Audio Axiom 49 and I was wondering how can I bring a selection of my favorite sounds on stage for my midi controller lugging my laptop around?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Do you have a bug killer of some sort? Easy 2pts if you don't?

My mom had a mosquito magnet. Didn't work well at all, although I think the principle behind it was solid.

Ladies...for those of you who wear hco's jeans?

my gf always wears hollister laguna skinny jeans (size 0R if I'm not mistaken.) She loves them but she sometimes complains that they always need to be pulled up or that she has trouble sitting down cause of how tight they are. They are the right size, but it just seems like why put yourself through the trouble? So is she right about hco jeans? I'm just curious haha

Are there new lacrosse sticks coming out in fall/winter of 09?

I went to a lax store and said there are new sticks coming out, but i cant seem to find any pictures of them besides the new brine one. I am planning on getting a debeer stick.

Am im over mothering my 3 month old son?

You son is NOT spoiled. He is well loved!!! He is only 3months for a little while! Enjoy him now!! Before you know it he will be 3yrs old!!! Kiss him, love him, hold him and make silly mushy faces at him!! You can NEVER give a baby too much love!!!

Should I change my image/avatar? 10 points best answer?

Many among here do not like my pic. I have received mixed responses yet. Some say I look like a caveman, terrorist, horny, y, nerd, sweet, etc. I want your honest view

Horse Ranching jobs>?

Hi I am a 15 year old girl looking for a job. I would like to work at a horse ranch. Does anyone know of any horse ranches in NH or VT that are looking for help?

Does anyone else think that the darlings of the NFL the NY Giants have a soft schedule?

Take away the teams from the NFC east and you are left with the juggernauts of Cincinnati, Seatle, Cleveland, San Francisco, Arizona...come on


well what should i do, first of all im bored and im on yahoo meaning i want to do something not on yahoo , get my drift? so watch a movie i already watched 10 times , watch tv :( , be bored on yahoo, read my dusty encyclopedias which havnt been touched since ww1 or somthing else please help!??!?!?

Who is the best lender for FAFSA?

FAFSA pertains to your federal & state grants. talk to your financial aid office about the loans.

Do these names sound good, comment/rate?

they are all great. Marie is such an over used middle name though. a lot of people have that as a middle name. my favorite is sophia elizabeth

Is the spec for this laptop good for the price?

Yes totally. �369.00 with free shipping is worth it. I mean this system has 160 gb and 3 gb RAM. You are able to watch the movie and play game very smoothly. Also you have dvd burner which is good, because you can create your music album or movies. so you are all good for "While"... ciao

I was in a accident where it was clearly the other parties fault-rear end wage loss is very high what do i do?

i am a alaskan fishermen i stand to lose a lot of income plus my back has hurt everymorning i would like to resolve this with out getting a attorney i hope. they accepted full liabilty as she was texting when she ran into my truck i get my first offer tomorro but im worried it will be very low as i have all ready explained to them that i was hurtin bad for moolah being that work is seasonal im starting to think about moving in with family i cant afford to not settle now I NEED HELP

Yasmin birth control pills?

Your doctor doesn't sem very good, mine would of taken me off hem straight away, i use to take Yasmin but i can't remember feeling sick from them though, i just thought they made me gain weight i didn't like them at all

Who has children living overseas?

My kids live overseas with the evil ex. They are cut off from me (long story). How do you cope as a cut off mum/dad? Should I tell them that they'll be having a sibling or just let that be after all they won't get the message & I don't know when they'll come home to me... I just hope they'll be able to adjust with the new family dynamics when they return one day. 99 - depressed mum of 2 abducted teenage children.

Can you think of some ideas on how we can prevent school shootings?

The only thing I can think of is to have a security system like the airports do. Make everyone put their things through an x-ray type thing and walk through a metal detector. Have guards with guns there at the line. No guns can go inside any school or college. It might take a little more time but it will save lives. Those metal detectors don't cost too much, I'd happily donate money toward having them in the schools where I live.

Which Harry Potter house would I belong in?

I'm very emotional, friendly, and fun. I was voted "Most Likely to Succeed" and am used to spotlight. I also crave the spotlight. And I am a natural leader. I'm outgoing almost to the point of being annoying. I'm goody-two-shoes and prude, but I'm not afraid of a little danger now and then. I think that some rules are meant to be broken, and I'm very dedicated and hardworking. Admittedly, I'm not very modest at heart. I can get self-centered, but I don't show it to my peers. I'm very happy and I love living my life. My grades are good and I never stop until I get exactly what I want. I'm very sympathetic towards others and I don't care what others think of me. I stand up for myself, my beliefs, and for others, and I adore new experiences. I go out of my way to help those who need it, and I'm a very real (as in, not fake) person. The most important thing in my life for me is my family and achieving my goals. I think being kind to others is extremely important, but my success and family is more important than anything to me. I'm kind to everybody, but I don't genuinely like everybody. I am the most ambitious person you'll ever meet, but I'm not cunning. (So, for Slytherin, ambition is more important to me than bravery or loyalty or intelligence, but I'm not cunning.) If I can't fulfill my dream of Broadway through my hard work and determination, that would be the worst imaginable thing for me.

What is your favorite Metal band? Why do you like them and when did you discover that you liked them?

is a skylit drive metal? well they are my favorite, or Eyes Set To Kill, or defitanly Bullet For My Valentine .

Best way to find a roomate who is cool about my fiance and i smoking pot?

my fiance and i are looking for a roomate in norman, ok, and are wondering, what is the best way to find one that smokes pot without outright asking? we don't want to move into THEIR place, and then them kick us out because we like to toke.

This is for young people who have got off before?

im a bit worried coz im 13 and i neva got of most of my m8 have what do i do? what do ya do and how? whatr dus it feel like

My heart gets startled a lot faster than ever before, like if my mom calls my name or if a pencil hits the....?

it even gets startled if a pencil hits the floor. I am so scared and even when im sitting, my heart feels a little uncomfortable, like it is ready to get scared again. Im 19 and my mom and my dad are just fine. I dont know if im about to get a heart attack or go through cardiac arrest soon. Like when I didnt get much sleep and i was laying in a movie theatre and i closed my eyes, I purposely opened my eyes and my heart get startled!! Even if I know im opening my eyes and nobody woke me up or anything. My heart used to jump when car alarms went off or when someone said "boo!!" but now anything makes my heart JUMP!! I really dont want to die and I dont want to go through a heart attack or cardiac arrest, someone please help and give me advice. THANKS

For erscotch cupcakes, what can I use instead of Scotch, since I can't use any alcohol in the food?

If you look up a recipe for erscotch, you'll find that whisky doesn't even get a mention let alone be a requirement!

Current event??

I need a current event for a newsletter....last week they did the world cup. What are some ideas for this week? Not really heavy news, because its just a short piece remember...

What Do You Think Of My Rap?

Hmm it could use a couple of changes I think you should work on it a little bit more. Do you want to become a rapper? Why not a doctor or a lawyer?

If i have ringworm, will treating me and my cat cure it, or can it re infect me from my clothes and stuff?

i wash and dry my clothes twice, if i miss a spot on my furniture or a counter, will it come back, or will i have a higher immunity to it?

How much memory is stored in the brain? Is it the Seat of Consciousness, or is it independent of the body?

I don't know what the brain's memory capacity is but I do know that it's been said that humans use only about 1% of their total brain capacity.

Didn't Rex Ryan claim that the Jets would make the playoffs without any help from other teams like last season?

Last season the Colts and Bengals laid down for them resting their starters. This season the Redskins had to beat the Jaguars in OT for the Jets to get in.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Photography for 13 yr old?

My 13 yr old son wants to get into Photography, he takes pictures with a Kodak E/S C433, but the quality isnt great, i want to get him set up with a decent camera, a tripod, and bag and other stuff he may need. The camera we have been looking at is a Kodak E/S ZD710, the tripod is a digital concepts 57" tripod, and what ever bag is available at the time. Is this alright for a beginner? All of that i can pick up for AUD$350 or less!! is this cheap, its for his birthday?

Canine microchips, do you think it proves ownership of a dog?

It is a great idea to micro-chip your pet. Most shelters do scan animals that come in and if a lost dog comes in to a vet. clinic they do scan them. Sometimes you can miss a chip because it migrated. The Home Again chip is less likely to migrate! If a dog gets stolen yes it is the only way to really prove an animal is yours aside from a tattoo. Yes I think vets and shelters should be legally obligated to scan for microchips.


There are all needs for models, get the right training and agent and you will go far…Have the right attitude and be fearless of failure and you will be on the TOP

"Reminiscing" a strange Father's Day write, do you prefer fact or fiction?

I prefer fact so unbelievable, you'd think it were fiction. And I really like this poem. Makes me sad but also makes me go "hmmmmmmmm"

Buying CD'S?

the last cd i bought was Life on Lifes Terms by Bedlight For Blue Eyes! That cd is incredible, i love it! I bought it because i think the lead singer has a fantastic voice.

What kind of charms (example-cell phone/iPod case, keychain etc.) you want a company to manufacture for you?

I am asking this question as part of a youth project in Junior Achievement of Canada. Based on popular consent, we are actually going to manufacture a charm (which we are hoping to be either a cell phone/ipod case or keychain) and then we will sell it in our school and local market. So, we want to know what you think us to make for you, with what design imprinted/craved on it and every possible details you want us to care about. We are also hoping that you will tell us how much money you are willing to spend on that item (for example: 2-5 dollars or so). Our price range for selling would be in the range of $4-10. But we will try to give it to you on the price you want. So, please tell us how much in maximum you will pay for it..Thanks!!!

Plz help me out with bio hw?

Its the volcanic island. primary succession is when an area, which once lacked any vegetation, develops mosses, lichens wind and water which "normalizes" the area. Hope this helps...i had a hard time with ecology

What is the loud Squealing noise coming from my engine?

It is probably a worn belt. I agree with Matt. If the car is fairly old, then the belt is trying to tell you it has had enough. If it is not that old. Belt dressing can be sprayed on the belts and the squealing will stop.

Would you wear stripes on the first day of school?

i have this really cute brownish black and white striped shirt i got from marshalls. its a bit oversized and you can pull the sleeve to the side and see some of your shoulder but i feel that its not really the ideal blouse to wear for the first day of school. should i wear something more summery and not wear anything stripey? btw the blouse is really cute tho i like it but i need opinions! thanks! oh and i am going to be a freshman in highschool!

I am going to go with a Verizon phone plan, anyone have a cheap dependable phone to suggest?

I am just buying my first real cell phone (yes, joining the 21st century) and I was wondering what phones people have purchased from Verizon that they liked. I don't need any fancy crap on the phone, just something sleek that is dependable. Please let me know what is the model# and all that, thanks in advance.

Renault wheel bearings.!!!!!?

How difficult is it to change the REAR wheel bearing on my R reg Renault Laguna?I have a limited knowledge of motor maintenance.

Is Andre Ward the best active American fighter just now?

You could've made that argument before today when Floyd officially announced his next fight. No way he had an argument as the world's best fighter. He'll outpoint Froch easily though.

Help finding hypotenuse of triangle?

a squared + b squared = c squared. so 4 squared plus 6 squared = answer. you then must square root your answer, a quick checkpoint for your answer, hypotenuse is always the longest side..

Why does the letter "S" look so different in some Irish Gaelic fonts?

Some Irish Gaelic fonts show this letter pretty much the same as this 's'... but in others an it's shown in a shape more like 'г' (or at least that is the closest I can find on my computer to show what I mean). Some available fonts provide both. Are they interchangable... or is there proper and improper use for each?

Very painful headaches in first!?

I had that for days on end..I am 16 weeks now. I only took tylenol and rested as much as possible. I was also told by my doctor that you can try to put a cool damp cloth on your forehead or the back of your neck and always lay with your head elevated.Also, if your comfortable with caffeine, they say a can of coke can help when take with tylenol. It is all from the hormones, it should fade away soon, and remember if you have any anxiety over it you should call your doctor, they may have more advice. Good luck

Why would God ask Abraham to prove his devotion by killing his own innocent child?

And why did Abraham even consider. If someone tells me to prove my devotion by killing my kid, I'd want to have nothing to do with him. No?

Jing Gong or Cybergun?

Cybergun has stepped up their game in the last year or two and started pumping out some decent guns. Both the weapons you have listed will last as long as you don't beat the hell out of them. Their performance will be about equal out of the box, but the AUG will be a lot easier to upgrade if you choose to do so.

If you could make a race team with yahoo answers members?

Who would you pick as the driver, the spotter, crew chief? Even go as far as tire changers and jack men. Have fun with it. I will put my team together with your answers. Go crazy. Hehe

Hi, i tink i nid to clear some airs abt d real situation of my husband not wanting enuf .?

His excuse is tired, coz workng 12 hrs, but only for three days dis wk, and 4 days, nxt wk.. balance of d wk, he have at least 1/2 day to rest. His attention is on tv, football channel, wrestling, eating and sumtimes, totally ignoring me. I've talked to him abt dis and he has promised to be more sensitive ot my nids. But the same has been gg on for mths.. We've been married for 4 yrs, no childredn, our 1st child died due to pre mature 3 yrs ago..till no, no gd news.. i'm depressed coz, he's not putting in much effort to hv another child, tho we'v been thru IUI twice and lotsa other alternatives, like acupuncure, full body chk up, etc. i'm fine, he nids to STOP smoking, wic he is cutting a lot now.. at the same time, one of his fren is flirting with me and we've meet up twice behind my husband back. I trust my husband, but i dun trust myself.. Help, i wnt to save my marriage, but i have needs, too..

Is there any such thing as a non narcotic or addicting medicine for bipolar patients?

my stepson got addicted to the meds he was on, I dont know what it was. he had to go to detox to get off it.

Needs answers to questions about the movie GLORY?

Rifles are good at long distances so rather than engaging the enemy up close, I can be 100 yards away. If I don;t have rifles (or rifles that work properly), my chances of getting killed on the battlefiled at heightened

What is a good at home work out?

i am wondering if someone can plan a workout for me. nothing major but something i can do daily without leaving the house. i have a bowfles, jump rope, and stairs in my house. what kind of workout can i creat with that. please include reps & minutes. thanks a lot!

Fable 2 Alignment Change in Co-op?

I want to play Fable II with my brother on the same console, but my character is Good and his is Evil. He likes to go rampaging through towns, killing villagers and guards, but will my person's alignment shift towards Evil if I play with him because he kills innocent people all the time? Please help!

Friday, December 16, 2011

I need honest criticism for my new story!!?? 10 points?

Okay, before you show this to someone else or even continue it, I would suggest you proofread. There are multiple grammar and punctuation errors. You should also consider rethinking your descriptions in the beginning. It sounds like every other 13-year-old's description of their view of the most cheesily beautiful girl in the world. I think you should reestablish the relationship between the two sisters, because from my point of view it sounds like Serene is just overreacting. Descriptions, relationships, and proofreading should be on the top of your correction list.

Who found a word "GOD" and when?

El, Eli, Eloi, Elahi, Allah, Rab- such name are for Heavenly Father means a creator of the universe. What necessity came to the writer that he translate above names of creator of universe as his (dirty) mind. as an astrologer's view what is numerical number of GOD and DOG? Whether founder of this word is an enemy of Allah or Isa(pbuh).

Is it just me, or are cokaroaches evolving?

For the past two weeks, I have observed these new roach like animals, it reacts like a roach, and the structure of it looks like a cokaroach too. The only difference, is that these roach like creatures have wing like structures on its back, but it doesnt fly, could it be some sort of way of adapting to poison and developing an immunity that would protect it from roach poisons?

If Democrats & Republicans always argue about everything they do or believe in?

Well thought out. The Congress represents all the people of the country. It just so happens that the country is split almost 50-50 right now. But that will change a bunch in 2012.

Second meeting with Sprint District Manager?

I had a good interview with a location manager with Sprint Communications for a Retails Sales consultant. he said he would like me to meet with his District manager, but unfortunately he had to leave early for an emergency. He estimated the meeting would last 15 minutes and said he would call me on Monday to possibly meet him at the location I originally applied for. does this sound like a second interview or a job offer. ive never been offered a position by a DM and always had a HR rep offer a position to me so im unclear about what this is...any thoughts appreciated

How to raise attic floor for new plumbing?

What you are doing is the right idea. Just build a box , fasten it down to the existing floor and put a floor on it. It will work out fine. You can go around it with trim later.........Just remember what people do around that keep it sanitary if at all possible. Good luck , I've probably done that 10 times for just do it and you will be ok.

Is it legal for Public Housing/Section 8 to raise your rent if you get a Pell Grant for school?

Does HUD/Public Housing/Housing Authority have such right to raise your rent if a grant is given to you for school use? If they take my school money, I can't go to school. It's not like that Pell Grant is monthly income. It's a one time payment to my school and it isn't legally taxable. Thanks.

"slime" recipe?

i guess i know one.........oobleck. you use 1/4 of a cup of flour and you keep adding water until it's smooth (NOT DOUGH!) and there you have it. you can add food coloring, if desired

Why do I always wake up at the same time everyday?

No matter what time I go to bed, I always, ALWAYS wake up at around six o clock. It is a horribly early hour and since more often than not I get home late and need rest, its really inconvenient. I could go to bed and at 4 and I'd still wake up two hours later, and I could never go back to sleep again, even if my body KNOWS it needs more rest. I'm not even sure if its really the sunlight or external factors that wakes me up, because its a really dark and cloudy morning today but still, like clockwork, I woke up at six. I'm getting tired of this...

Baby names. how do they sound?

I like Natasha Elise or Madyson Ray... I also like the spelling Madyson. It's different and very pretty.

Where Can I Download Snowy Hedges For The Sims 2?

Where Can I Download Snowy Hedges For The Sims 2? Trying to create a snow scene and can't find all the downloads I need.Oh and, does anyone happen to know what I can use after my winzip evaluation expires?

Who should I start? Please help!!?

Start MJD, Chris Johnson, and Reggie Bush as your 2 RB's and WR/RB. Start White and Walter as your WR's.

I was hothot panties suddenly a boy pushed me on bed and start kissing that he locked the door and ......?

kiss me and hee was m y clmate he my mouth and and my best friend miiy saw that she was angry with me because that boy was her boyfriend how can i tell her the truust?

Esta for USA I travelled to NYC in feb 2010 and filled out an esta which was approved, im now going to florida?

I travelled to NYC in feb 2010 and filled out an esta which was approved, im now going to florida in july 2010. do i need to fill out another esta? or update my previous?? any answers would be helpful and any addresses or websites would be too. thanks.

In search of a Penhouse Rental?

Does anyone know of any penthouse rental other than the Residence Inn in Fishkill, N.Y? I reside in Florida and always pick up my mom in N.Y.C and then drive up to Fishkill every year. She enjoys going upstate but I would like to staying in a different hotel just for a change of pace. But I don’t want to sacrifice the comfort, if you know what I mean. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please advance, thanks!

Which guy should i date?

here are some have to go to this web site. his name is jason and he was put on my moms hair styleing web site and this is devon at prom and this is me

Do you think the wwe and the wwe fans forgot about lita?

its like ever since lita did matt wrong everybody forgot about her. its disgusting and a disgrace. like lita said in her farwell speech that before her there were only eyecandy divas. there wouldn't be any moonsaults or hurricanranas if it wasnt for her. what really pisses me off is that when lita was a face everybody was all over her but as soon as she turned heel oh they dont like her anymore. and the wwe making her lose her title at her last match was pathetic and stupid. now that she retired and they talk about the past divas they only talk about the fabulous moolah and that damn overrated trish stratus. its a shame and its messed up lita revolutionized womans wrestling not trish because when trish first came to the wwe she was just a slut sleeping with vince mcmahon and all you people know it. while she was screwing vince and t&a lita was in the ring fighting men doing litacanranas and putting her body on the line winning main event matches. as soon as she turned in to a heel for cheating on matt they treated her like crap and sent her off with a forgotten retirement. don't you think the wwe forgot about lita?

I cannot install windows media player 11 on my computer?

i am running windows media center edition 2005 and i am having wmp 10 but i cannot install wmp 11 , it says that unsupported version. Also i downloaded windows rollup 2 but i cant even install the roll up 2 . please help

Rotator Cuff Injury please help?

I've had an injured rotator cuff for about 2 months now, I hurt it in late December due to a snowboarding accident, at the time i just shrugged the injury off because my dad called me a baby when i told him i think i hurt my shoulder, 3 days later I was playing basketball and i went up for a rebound and felt my shoulder go through a crackle of pain so i had to leave basketball, my uncle said i had a rotator cuff injury and needed to stay off it for 2 weeks, i stayed off of it for about 1 week because it felt pretty healed after a week and continued my normal routine which included weight lifting, i've been weight lifting with this injury everyday since, however im afraid it will never go away now, should i stop working out for another 2 weeks or continue my workouts until hopefully it eventually goes away?

Im confused?

ok were having a school dance and i was going with this guy named mitchell. then i nother guy asked me and i said yes cause i didnt wanna go with mitchell so then i thought about it and deecieded im staying with mitchell so i told the other guy chase .everything was fine for a while and then my friend asked mitchell do you like like gillian and he said not yet were only friends then my friend said well if youjr answer is the answer to what if she goes to the dance with her and i didnt tell her to say that then mitchell said i dont care my friend anna said he said i dont care about the dance but i thought that made me upset so i dumped him and went to chase the other guy but as i think about anna could of meant the other i dont care.because know he seems a lil said but i cant dump0 chase for mitchell again and now i dont even think mitchell just wanna be friends.

Weird Bleeding?

am on the birth control Seasonique which only allows me to have a period every three months and 4 periods a year. I am very good at taking my pills and take them every day and at the same time. My boyfriend and I had without a condom and there was ejaculation on march 15th and again on the 24th. I got paranoid and took two tests about a week ago and both came out lit up negative right away. I was stressing so much that it made me sick to my stomach. I also might have a UTI. About on Sunday I began to have very dark almost black with a tniy bit of blood with clots about medium flow and with small cramps(mostly during the day). It is almost about a week until my "period".What can this mean? Is is just Breakthrough bleeding. I also began a sore throat and a nasty, nasty cold on Monday also. Please Help.

Is robbie keane jus simply not good enough for a top four team or did he jus not get a fair chance by rafa?

We already had a better striker who likes to play upfront by himself. It never was going to work with Keane.

Jail for Contempt of court?

I had received a notice saying i have to go to court if i don't fill out an order for financial disclosure. I want to file bankruptcy. I had talked to an attorney a long time ago regarding this issue and he told me to let it go because i am on SSI and they couldn't do anything anyway, but when i got papers from the courthouse they said i have to go to a contempt hearing. Will i have to go to jail??

Is this a normal emotion?

Some very difficult decisons have been weighing on me quite heavily this past week. They involve either staying with a husband who is severly depressed and endure an extremely stressful relationship/marriage or shut the door on that part of my life and move on. This is a second marriage for both of us and was very short lived. I love him and he says he loves me, but he refuses to seek counseling to help with his depression. His anger turns into emotional and verbal abuse and has been slowly killing my spirit. I told him this morning that I am divorcing him and wish him the absolute best. He's angry, but I told him I cannot take anymore. Inside I feel numb. Sure, I'll miss him, but at the same time, I am glad to be getting away from him too. Is this a normal emotion? I feel a little guilty for not feeling sad or a loss.

Future daughter-in-law is still being incredibly rude and anti social!! What do I do?

The only thing I could suggest is for you to invite her to something. Perhaps a small party in honor of their engagement? Perhaps she is waiting to be included in your family before including you in hers? Just a suggestion... good luck.

Was Kimbo Slice paid by UFC's Dana White to take a dive (causing EliteXC to tank)?

No. Kimbo is a backyard brawler. He sucks as a Mixed Martial Arts fighter. He was exposed as what every MMA person knew he already was.

Is it okay to buy and use previously owned jumper boots?

I have a green jumper horse. We're only jumping around 2'3 but everyone tells me I should get jumper boots. I hear Eskadron are the best and at one of the local tack shops in my city they have a set of front and back Eskadron boots for $110 but they have some wear and imprint marks from the previous owner. I dont have a lot of money and the set new would be around $225. Is it okay to use boots with an imprint with another horse? I dont want to do anything that will hurt his tendon or leg or anything like that. Please let me know.

Will he come back to me?

Sweetheart, just him saying he was sorry means that he does care for you. Most guys don't do that unless they care for a girl so much that they don't care about their pride. Sit down and talk to him somewhere quiet, and ask him if he wants to give it another shot, just one more try... I know that the school thing is hard, but if both of yall can make time for a party on the weekend I'm sure you two can find some time for you two, if you two decide to give it one more try. Best of luck and I hope things turn out for the best.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Liability of uneven sidewalks?

I know this is the travel category but I know there are a lot of New Yorkers that look at this. I have an uneven sidewalk caused by a tree root. The tree is between the sidewalk and the street making it the responsibility of the NYC Department of Parks. I called 311 to report it, after about 18 months they finally responded. They gave me a form giving me a priority rating of 67 out of 100 and told me I would find out in several months if they would be repairing the sidewalk. Needless to say I won't be holding my breath. My question is this, if some tool decides to trip and do a faceplant in front of my house can I be found liable? I do have doentation that I reported the situation to the city, and now have verification that they know of it. Am I safe? Hoping that someone here may have experience in this matter.

What everyday and not so everday products are manufactured with glue or adhesive?

Cereal boxes are made with glue. Ceramics used in teeth repair are glued on with blue-light sensitive glue.

Itchy feeeeet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

i have this thing when im trying to go to bed/ my feet itch, and NOTHING can stop it , ive gone to the doctors about it , all they said was to wash them before i went to bed, i do that but it still desnt do anything. i dont understand. because it keeps me from getting sleep at night when im real tired. can someone please hel[p me ? thank oh so much

What are all the important things to buy for the baby before she comes?

boppy pillows are a wonderful convenience. as far as diapers go you never know how long a baby will be in a certain size, but if you want to stock up you can get 2 packs of newborn to start with and you can always buy other sizes in advance. my son is almost in a size 2, and we have 3s and 4s, just because we had some extra money and found a good sale. with bottles, don't buy too many of a certain kind, because the baby might not like them. if you will feed and bottle feed you should get wide . sounds like you have a good start on things... good luck with your baby, and enjoy every minute!

How do I make my mother stop bugging me about wearing a helmet?

She won't lay off it. And she has some nerve pestering me, she intentionally tries to run people over when she rides, while I've only wiped out on a bike three times in my entire life.

What shall i wear to the beach tommrow?

You need to wear something that covers your skin but is light in colour and not too heavy so you do not over heat. you need to protect your skin from the sun and clothes are better than any sun tan lotion.

Could i make my high school basketball team?

I will be a sopre next year and am planning to try out for the bball team. I have a 3.8 unweighted gpa. I am 5' 10 and 145 pounds. I work hard, meaning i play about 6 hours of ball every day of this summer. I can grab rim and around a 90 percent ft shooter. I can make all open shots and am around a 75 percent 3-point shooter. I would like to improve my ball handling skills a little and also my defense. I still have 2 months of summer so any suggestions on drills will be appreciated. I also work out every 2-3 days to stay in shape. I have never tried out for the bball team until now. I have however played on rec teams. Oh also i am indian (from india). So do u think i could make my school's bball team, jv or varsity.

How do you use Google ytics?

Google ytics is one of the most widely used ytics tools for measuring and improving website performance, traffic sources, ROI, and conversion rates. Website developers and Online Marketers should be aware how to utilize Google ytics for their SEO, SEM and Marketing Campaigns.

s only please....????

I have 2 questions.... Do most femmes like more butchy girls or other femmes? and what do you like about butch girls/studs?

10 points for you if you answer please! Question about an abscess on my nose -- staph infection?

Long story short: I was on an extremely high dose of 3 different steroids about 20 days ago. Since then I've had hormonal problems to say the least, one of which is mild acne. I had a bump on the side of my nose, which I thought was a pimple, so I squeezed it. A small amount of pus did come out, but the next morning (and each sucessive morning thereafter) it has been worse, more swollen, and extremely sore. It feels hard (a lump the size of a pea), and then "squishy"/fluidy for about a 1 inch diameter around it. It's red and extremely sore. Also, that side of my nose is stuffy and I have an awful headache, as well as a low fever and a sore throat. This morning, I also started to get white discharge from the eye on that side! That being said, I get CHRONIC sinus infections and I don't know if all these symptoms are just coinciding with a weird pimply-thing. Does it sound like staph? I'm going to the doctors later today but it's really painful and I'd appreciate any help! THANKS!

Look at my starting lineup?

I have brady,moss,welker,sidney rice,warick dunn,fred taylor,chris baker,kris brown and patriots defense.

MORE serious fantasy help... which RB?

Maurice Morris and Ryan Grant... The other two are having down seasons and have not produced anything.

Is it right for a boyfriend to be upset with his girlfriend for not wanting to have ?

I have said that I do not want to try from the very beginning of our relationship. In the beginning he would always joke about it pester me but it was mostly playful. I never once said maybe or perhaps when we are older. I just told him that it is something I personally do not feel comfortable with. Now, after years of dating, he is bringing it up again saying that I cannot be trusted if I am saying "never" to him. I do feel somewhat guilty for not even being willing to try, but at the same time, I know that if we did it would probably be emotionally damaging to me since I would not be comfortable with it nor would I be happy about doing it. It upsets me to some extent that he is even pushing this and allowing himself to get angry over it. Why would he want to do something to me that could very likely hurt me physically and also make me uncomfortable emotionally? Is that important? Am I being too stubborn by not letting him even try it with me? Does this mean I shouldn't be trusted since I am not giving myself to my boyfriend fully?

What is the standard issue rifle for austria?

i think it is the Stg 77 (Steyr AUG) with selective fire and because of NATO 5.56x45mm NATO rounds. Tell me if you know the standard issue rifle for austria.

When a child molester gets sent?

to prison and the inmates has "fun" with him, do you think it tears his life up like it did the child he molested? Like the Ramos guy that d the 2 years old a few days ago in the Dollar Store, and the 7 year old that got d? It destroys their lives, they live with it forever, it is devestating, so are these animals devestated by what is going to happen to them in prison??? AND yes they do get to them, the prisoners PAY to have their way with the sick bsterd. Besides that they all go outside for awhile for a break there is no protection there either. OHHH how I hope it hurts.

Did Tebow need another Heisman and National Title to be considered best college football player of all time?

I think if he had won the Heisman n 2009 and the Naitonal Title in 2010 he would have gotten that label. Unfortunately for him the Alabama wrecking crew Trent Richardson, Mark Ingram, McElroy, and Julio Jones had other plans and the Alabama D exposed Tebow.

I can't remember lyrics?

A lot of my friends know full songs, or can sing multiple songs without trying to remember so hard, I can barely sing a song, even my favorites because I don't remember the lyrics, is there anyway I can remember them? how do you guys go on and about learning them? just endless repetition of listening?

My cravings started to kick in about two weeks ago?

(Caffeine Free) Coke and Thin Mints. I was driving around like a maniac trying to find girl scouts selling their cookies outside of grocery stores for the past two weeks...haha. I finally saw some and I got so excited I hung up on my mom.


you need someone to constantly talk to, if you want contact me on my email and just talk to me if u want. this is wayyyyyyyy to big to answer under any cirstances

Are all women strumpets?

i'm trying to find a good girl. not a leg-spreader. it seems like girls are just sk@nks nowadays. they have no morals. i'm 18. i'm looking for a girl with morals. not a slu+! where i live, we have too many bad girls. like Lada Gagas, Kieshas, Carrie Underwoods, Lindsey Lohans, Madonnas, & Kim K's! all wh0res! where are the good girls? the decent ones! anybody know? thank u for your help. God Bless

Which quote for the back of our cross country t-shirt do you like the best and why?

my fave is pain is tempoararily but victory lasts forever because its saying that the 'pain' you are going through wont last forever but the victory will which is really motivating for cross country.

How do I blacken the background while taking a picture? (Canon Rebel T2i)?

I'm taking a picture of an outdoor wall lantern at night. I want it so that the lamp is in focus while the background is black, so that it looks like the lamp is almost floating. I set it to a high shutter speed in hopes of making it darker, and when I press the "shoot" on halfway (autofocusing it), the background will be dark the way I want it. But when I take the picture, the light cast onto the objects by the lantern appear again. Please tell me how I can adjust my settings (i have a canon rebel t2i). Thanks!!

Why isn't BCS played according to the final BCS ranking?

For example, number 1 against 2, 3 against 4, 5 against 6 and so forth. What's the point of fighting so hard for all the year if they are not rewarded by the final ranking status?

What is the best plact to snowboard near NYC?

I need someplace that is close to the city, cheap, and one that has lots of good trails and terrain, mostly powder, good grooming, cheap food, etc. please list some places and prices for season pes and what you would rate them. Please only tell me of your personal experiences. thanks.

I am looking for a Vogue magazine from July 1936. Ebay has not been helpful. Any ideas?

looking for a Vogue magazine from July 1936. Ebay has not been helpful. Any ideas on sites to buy one?

Chester Taylor or Joseph Addai for Week 5?

I have Steven Jackson (starting regardless) Chester Taylor (Min), Addai (Ind), Chris Brown (Ten), and Maurice-Drew Jones (Jax). I have only two RB slots. Who should I start for the #2 slot. (Jackson is #1 slot). Addai is at home but Taylor is needed. Drew has done well but may struggle against Washington and Brown is up against Indianapolis. I have a tough decision to make and I need this win.

1988 Chrysler New Yorker Message center not working?

the message center in my car keeps reseting itself every time I turn on my car. the seatbelt light won't go off when i'm wearing my seatbelt. the message center also keep giving me phony messages such as "door open, trunk open, check engine, and 0 miles to empty" when none of these things are true. does any one know how this can be fixed, or if i can do it myself?

Exercise repetitions to loose weight on thighs?

Doing all those squats and lunges will grow the muscles in your thighs and make them larger. To lose weight, you need to eat a proper diet and do lots of cardio. I know that's not what you wanna hear, but that's how it is. If you really wanna take the unpleasant route and try to lose weight through squats and lunges, you need to do 20+ repetitions of each for at least 40 minutes. You will not be able to walk properly and be in constant pain throughout the duration of this sadistic exercise regimen - you're better off running, biking or swimming.

What's a good handgun for home defense?

I've fired a few rifles over the years and have been out to the range with my buddy's Sig once or twice, but I'm far from a marksman. I'm not looking for the pinnacle of modern weaponry, just a solid, reliable handgun for defensive purposes. I'm open to either a new or used gun, and would ideally like to spend less than $400 (although not having a sense of the gun market I would reconsider that price point if it's unreasonable). I'm ambivalent about getting a concealed carry permit (which are easy enough to get in my state), although if it was compact enough for that purpose it would be a plus. What do you recommend?

Why do people say to drink ginger ale and eat crackers, soup, or toast when you're sick?

Ginger is known to help settle an upset stomach. They say "soup" but mean one that is mostly broth ....not a cream based soup or one with lots of meat. Toast and crackers are easily digested. Your body, tho sick, still needs calories to keep running well and to make you better.

I'm about to have a freaking meltdown?

Throw a bucket of water on him like Dorothy did in"The Wizard of Oz" and let Him have the meltdown, not you!

In desperate need of help! WHAT DO I DO?!?

youre 18. enjoy your youth while you have it. theres a time for everything. dont settle with someone, have fun with them!

Does anyone else find robert downey jr really hot?

Who wouldn't. The guy has an amazing talent - was brilliant as Chaplin - and he writes and records his own songs. He was also very honest about his use of drugs and has really turned things around. Not only that, he has a terrific sense of humour and is just plain bloody gorgeous.

Will you help and save a person who represents the other end of the political spectrum?(please read detail)?

Yeah advertising that you are a hateful ignorant liberal precludes me from stopping to help you. You are beyond help and should just wither and die in the cold, deserted, spooky, snake filled, rainy situation.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Yorkers: question ?

yeah of course. you'll see me! me and my 4 friends skate out there everyday. i love new york in the winter. but you definatly won't see any after 5 it gets dark and dangerous.

Cold and pain around eye socket?

Hello everyone. Basically trying to get to sleep but for the last half hour I have been experiencing a weird pain around my eye socket. I have a runny nose and a chest cough and often cough up phlegm. It's like a headache around my eye it's more uncomfortable than painful what is it at what shall I do ?

Can a third party alter an artist's design without the artist's permission?

A friend of mine designs posters for local theatre companies. He does this work frequently pro bono for friends, but he also gets paid for it. He is also widely known to be one of the best designers in our city. Recently a theatre he designed a poster for (the "guest" theatre) turned his design over to another theatre (the "host" theatre), from whom they are renting space for a performance. The proprietor of the guest theatre signed a contract allowing the host to alter any materials submitted to them by the guest, after which the host made substantial changes to his design, including removing his name, without contacting him to obtain his consent. My friend never signed any contract with the host theatre and has always been very explicit with anyone he designs for, including the guest theatre in this instance, that his work is never to be altered by a third party without his express written consent. Does he have any legal recourse against the host theatre in this instance? They were given all of his contact information and he never found out about any of it until one of the actresses in the production posted the altered artwork, minus his name, on Facebook. They host theatre is actually something of a bully in our theatre community, and I can't imagine that this aspect of their contract, which all guest theatres must sign, is legal. He's more than willing to sue if he has a leg to stand on, but doesn't want to spend $300-$500 for a consultation with a lawyer if all the lawyer is going to say is, "Tough nuts." Thanks all!

Archimedes' Principle 3?

An 78.8-kg person is wearing a life jacket and floating in water. The life jacket has a volume of 3.0 x 10-2 m3 and is completely submerged under the water. The volume of the person's body that is underwater is 6.2 x 10-2 m3. What is the density of the life jacket? ume that the person's density is equal to that of water.

Men How many of you are shy? but , ertive?

Guys get that way around women they are attracted to. He is comfortable with his friends because he doesn't care what they think of him, they've already accepted him. The quick speech and head down are both symptoms of low confidence when he is around you. You may not like him that way but he does like you.

Should barcelona have bought a new brazilian samba star?

we had romario, ronaldo , ronaldinho maybe we should have bought robinho?? i mean he is only 25 and pele said it himself that he is his "heir" and what real did to him it would be a perfect revenge to play for madrids great rivals what do you think ??

CD changer not working on '95 3 series and '99 M3, ideas?

I have a '95 3 series and '99 M3. Both have a 6 disc CD changer in their trunks. Both have recently stopped working. The message "No Disc" appears when you try to play a disc from the changers. Is there a common problem with this series' wiring or typical issue that I can try and troubleshoot and fix?

Stupid question I know... but does this mean I'm pretty?

I feel like whenever I walk into a makeup store, someone who works there is always trying to push me to get a consultation so that they can put makeup on me. For instance, I went to Sephora today and the lady working there kept asking if she could do one. My friend jokingly was like, "oh they probably feel bad because you're not wearing any makeup." Do you think it was because they thought I had a pretty face and wanted to test makeup on me or because they thought I was plain ugly. I know this is a dumb question...they probably just wanted me to buy stuff. But, I've heard that whenever a makeup artist see's a pretty face, they automatically want to play around with makeup and stuff. Any thoughts?? (and please be nice)

Anyone know what it would cost to have a disk changer installed?

My mom's car has an awesome disk changer mounted in the trunk...and I want it in mine. About how much should someone charge me to take it out of her car and install it in mine? I mean if I take it to a place where they do that.

What to wear to a golf tournament?

haha you can wear whatever you want to a golf tourney. however if you wanna stand out i would recomend what you would wear for a casual round. and i would hold off on the golf shoes unless it makes your outfit pop haha then go buck wild

Should Bill Clinton & Obama Have Bought a Wall Street Journal Subscription for Their Friend/Donor Robert Rubin?

Where were you when Bush friend/donor Ken "Kenny Boy" Lay ran Enron into the ground and ripped off millions of people?

Do you believe Pastor Ted Haggard's recent claim that he's now 100% heteroual?

"Today, I slobbered on a big, juicy slab of manrod for over an hour and honestly didn't enjoy it one bit. And though I feel the buzz, I'm happy to report that the meth just isn't lighting me up like it used to. I'm cured...praise God, I'm cured!" - Pastor Ted Haggard

Hate crimes on the increase is this the demise of America?

a href=""…/a

Is this the solution to the liberal alarmists global warming?

You really are a fascinatingly narrow minded person, on a level far and away above anyone else who posts on this forum.

How Do You Get Picked to be a Delegate?

A show off here in South Florida is saying he was 1 out of 27 whom were picked to be a delegate at the Democratic Party. Is it really that hard? Do you have to be a big contributor or what? Do you get a letter by mail or an email???

How do I get the Whites next door to move?

I'm sick of their confederate flags blocking my view of the street. I mean their house is on wheels anyways. Make like Dale Earnhardt Jr., your hero, and move along. The mullets and smell of mayo is really ruining the neighborhood. I went over to talk to Mr. White but he just told me to get my Obama-loving *** out of there.

Is it a good idea to use gravel for draingage in a potted plant?

I have 2 cactii and 4 succulents... I was wondering if it was necessary to line the bottom of their clay pots with gravel to provide sufficient drainage. I've heard that it's both good and bad, so now I'm really confused!!! Help!

Should parents have the right to genetically modify their children before birth?

Other people can do it, but i won't. I think that there could be a lot of mistakes that could happen and the baby could end up with a lot of problems. Besides, why would you want your baby to look different from you?

Do they have the same transmission?

A 1995 jeep wrangler with a 5 speed 4 cyl. 2.5 engine would it interchange with a 1997 jeep wrangler with a 5 speed 4 cyl 2.5 engine, transmission?

Strayer universitity (college) sororities/ fraternities?

does strayer university offer sororities or fraternities itz a college i rly need 2 kno so b truthful thx in advacane

Vibrator .. embarrasd!?

im thirteen years old and i use a vibrator.. i know its really embarrasing.. i do it like 3-4 times every other day. i got my period once but then a didnt get it again for like a year and 1/2. could the vibrations mess up my natural menstrual cycle? im on track for the rest of pubery stuff if u know what i mean!!

Lost in relations, how to get over it?

So, basically I am in this country (Ukraine) for 3 months (summer) . And my friend introduced me to few more people. 3 girls to be more specific. 2 of girls are cool and I am talking with them fine. But another one I kinda like her, and even though I know I will never be with her since I don't live in that country, and she has like 8 boyfriends in different cities. I still like her. She talks and acts to me like to a friend. TO a real friend. Like she sees when I feel bad, she usually comes up and talks to me and helps out. But every evening she calls her bf to come hang out with us. I can't start protest against him not to come because she will go away then. So she always sits with her bf and does stuff like hugs , kisses etc.. And I don't know what's that feeling called but when I see him with her I just start hating her and him. And everyday on my way home, I am thinking ok I am not going out tomorrow **** this world. And every evening when she calls me to come out I just can't refuse and I come out, and then the crap evening starts again. She doesn't call me during day, if I call her she says she's busy even though I know she's at home because I see her online. So she just calls me out on evenings is it on purpose to annoy me if she noticed I feel crap when I see him. And even though I chose my life so far to be alone without girlfriends, I still can't get over it. What should I do? Today from anger I even said **** off to all my friends and left, and went to local statue of Lenin and sat at it sitting for few hours in darkness looking at stars. So anyone please help?

I have a question about my weight???

okk i have been on a diet for the last 3 months i am5'3 and used 2 weigh 120 now i weigh 110 i dont wanna lose animore but i have a question normally if i eat little during the day and exercise i weigh 110 but iif i eat something sweet or chocolate or full of calories my weight rises bak to 115 nd the only way for me 2 bring it down iz if i eat little again and exercise anybody knowz wat this means???any ideads on how to stabilize my weight??ani help would be thankful

Failing 8th grade? Can he go to High school?

He already had his (summer school) opportunity to make up flunking 8th grade. He now has to repeat 8th grade. Why didn't you tutor him, to be sure he ped summer school?

Why is Sacramento's skyline so weak?

It seems like it should be more impressive, given the size of the city and the fact that it's the capitol of California.


i liked it. i want to know now if the story is about a plane that is going to be taken over. it seems good, well written for the most part. keep on going :)

How can people truthfully call this the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression?

Media over hyping it to blame reps, then most likely under hyping it to help dems once Uhhbama is in, its all to help their political motivations.

Whats wrong with my violin?

Ok, I've had my violin for awhile now... No problems of the sort. And then the bridge popped while I was tuning it. I replaced it, and now when I play the D and , I can hear a slight buzzing/crackling noise. How can I fix this and what is wrong?

A question about the drug Trazmadone?

My sister is not supposed to take anything with Opiate in it, such as oxycontin, tylox, vicoden, ect, and I saw that she was taking trazmadon, and she said it was for pain, but had no opiate in it, I am worried about her, cause she just did the whole rehab thing and is ssupposedto stay away from narcotic and opiate drugs, so does anybody know whats in that stuff? And is it addicting? Thanks

Where can I buy Que Bueno Nacho cheese?

I know it only comes in big cans, but I never noticed it anywhere... I love nachos and cheese it what makes them great. So need to find a supplier for this kind. Thanks!

In the disney show, Aladdin..?

In the song 'one jump ahead', the soldiers throw some kind of melon at Aladdin. If one actually hit him in the head, how much damage would that do?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Was Mick foley vs Undertaker Unscripted?

Anyways but mick foley is considered one of the best superstar , so may be he can do that even if not scripted. There are very few like him . He is legend

Thoughts on the Mickey Ward movie?

what's everyone think about this? i believe the release date is 2011 with Mark Wahlberg playing Mickey and Christian Bale playing his brother/trainer ie Eckland. Any fans of boxing, how well do you think Wahlberg will pull off the role?

The best commentator / announcer in all of boxing?

It's a toss up between Larry Merchant and Emmanuel Stewart, each with different reason. I like the fact the Merchant express things like it is without holding back. Stewart's knowledge and experience in the ring makes him great at being able to relate to what is going on with the fighters.

Please help me...I need information about moving to South Padre Island!?

Im going to be moving from Oahu to the South Padre Island area here soon because I just graduated college and it is too expensive to buy a house on Oahu, lol. I am a beach bum however and need to be close to the beach. Ive been in the area before since I grew up in the midwest and I speak a little spanish which should help out a great deal being so close to the border. My question is, should I live on the actual Island or should I live in say Port Isabel or by Laguna beach? I know the hurricane season can be crazy over there and was just wanting to hear from someone who has experience living there what I should do or some pros and cons of living on the island. I already know they have spring break there once a year for the college students and I actually think that is a lot of fun. Thanks everyone