Sunday, December 18, 2011

Which Harry Potter house would I belong in?

I'm very emotional, friendly, and fun. I was voted "Most Likely to Succeed" and am used to spotlight. I also crave the spotlight. And I am a natural leader. I'm outgoing almost to the point of being annoying. I'm goody-two-shoes and prude, but I'm not afraid of a little danger now and then. I think that some rules are meant to be broken, and I'm very dedicated and hardworking. Admittedly, I'm not very modest at heart. I can get self-centered, but I don't show it to my peers. I'm very happy and I love living my life. My grades are good and I never stop until I get exactly what I want. I'm very sympathetic towards others and I don't care what others think of me. I stand up for myself, my beliefs, and for others, and I adore new experiences. I go out of my way to help those who need it, and I'm a very real (as in, not fake) person. The most important thing in my life for me is my family and achieving my goals. I think being kind to others is extremely important, but my success and family is more important than anything to me. I'm kind to everybody, but I don't genuinely like everybody. I am the most ambitious person you'll ever meet, but I'm not cunning. (So, for Slytherin, ambition is more important to me than bravery or loyalty or intelligence, but I'm not cunning.) If I can't fulfill my dream of Broadway through my hard work and determination, that would be the worst imaginable thing for me.


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