Thursday, December 22, 2011

I received obnoxious proposals from a man, what should I do?

is name is Mr Green and he is a friend of a man I ... eh.. like. So, I would not want to be rude, but today I got a bunch of flowers from him, and on them is pinned a note. Now, you know a lady when you see her, and I stand very high in the society of my town. Yet he asked me to skip out to the woods with him, along with a jug of wine and a loaf of bread, and go signing and cavorting under the trees with him! I do take a little claret with my meals, but I am not in the habit of packing a jug of it and rushing into the woods with the man who I barely know! He was reciting a lot of rhymes by some person he called Ruby Ott, and who is no better than she should be, to judge by her poetry. I wanted to tell Mr Green to go on that scandalous picnic with that Ruby Ott, who wouldn't refuse, unless there being too much bread; but then I was afraid that Mr Pratt - the man who I like - will feel badly if I am too abrupt with his friend. What should I do?


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