Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Can you diagnose please?

my 22 years old son has been ill for three years now and his symptoms are gradually getting worse.. It started wih sweating just in the pelvic area back and front and a smell of feaces.. now he gets a tight chest with pain, mouth ulcers, when he eats he goes dizzy almost tranquil and his stomach hurts whereever the food is. he has blood in some of his stools its the last bit where the blood is, sometimes it looks like a period he said. he still sweats from the same area. the doctors have found a hernia at the topof his stomach [which would explain his constant repeating acid.. he confided in me and he said he'd slept with a african woman when he was in lanzarote three years ago, he said one of the smells that his body smells of is what he smelt on her, He thinks its a parasite of somekind, he what do you think?


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