Friday, December 23, 2011

Is there a way to push back the date of an eviction of tenant on foreclosure?

I live in Ohio. For two years we were under the understanding that we could purchase the home we have rented for 7 years. Its Fannie Mae and I guess since my parents owned it we can't buy it. They told us 2 days before Christmas even though they knew for 7 years and I never hid the fact theat I was related. My name won't be on it. This Monday a Deputy came and said my family has 10 days to get out. If you live in Ohio you know how snowy it is outside right now. I can't even find anything in the yard under the snow. We have a 3 and 6 yr old. The 3 yr old is on breathing treatments every 4hrs. I just need more time and it seems that NONE of the governments programs to keep families in their homes cover when a family member screws you over instead of a stranger. I just need a little more time. 10 days is NOT enough. what do I do


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