Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Envelope Mailing Schemes - How Savvy Are You?

I have just sent off for one of these, thinking I would actually be helping advertise products for a marketing company. Instead of which, they want you to lure other poor saps into paying the �50 start-up fee through use of flyers. Me, I believe this is immoral. A job should be something one should be able to have pride in, serving a real and useful purpose. Me, right now I make coffee and toast for bus drivers and get up exceedingly early to do so - but the bus drivers respect me for doing them a service which means a lot to them, even if it may not signify a lot to anyone else. These mailing schemes must lower the morale of all that are involved, because they do nothing for anyone besides luring folk into deceiving other folk that there might be some real, useful work for them to do at a time when many people are finding themselves out of work. Do you find this equally disgusting as I do?


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