Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Can someone interpret this dream?

I was in a museum. I was wandering around and everywhere I went I would find heart shaped stones. They were all different. I remember one was half pink and half stone like. That particular stone was sitting on a bench. Next to the ston on the bench was a mans head. The guys head could look around and seemed alive but he didn't have a body. On top of his head was a ringing phone and I answered it. The person on the line was somebody very close to me and kept saying "I'm so sorry about 1947" this person was hysterically upset and crying because they were sorry about something in 1947. I would find other phones to pick up at other places in the dream and every time I answered the phone it would be the same thing. The biggest part of the dream was me standing in the middle of a room with 3 triangular pillars that were standing at the points of a triangle. I had a staff and all I had to do was put it in this hole and I would know everything I ever wanted to know. But I didn't do it.


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