Wednesday, December 21, 2011


A friend of mine had this operation done. Her experience regarding the procedure itself was very good. The recovery time was maybe one week. Unfortunately, because her band was too loose, she did not lose the weight. So you have to be careful with this. I have met a man though who underwent this surgery too and he told me that he lost like a hundred pounds or so. He looked good, though I guess that without clothes he would need plastic surgery. I did notice though that he had to be very careful with his eating for the rest of his life. For him the operation was really worth it, he has now a more normal life. So, I guess if this is really your last option (i.e., exercising and eating healthy is nor an option), this operation is a good choice. I will help you lose the weight if done correctly and you will feel much better about yourself, etc. However, you will have to take care regarding what you eat for the rest of your life. Good luck!


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