Friday, December 16, 2011

Rotator Cuff Injury please help?

I've had an injured rotator cuff for about 2 months now, I hurt it in late December due to a snowboarding accident, at the time i just shrugged the injury off because my dad called me a baby when i told him i think i hurt my shoulder, 3 days later I was playing basketball and i went up for a rebound and felt my shoulder go through a crackle of pain so i had to leave basketball, my uncle said i had a rotator cuff injury and needed to stay off it for 2 weeks, i stayed off of it for about 1 week because it felt pretty healed after a week and continued my normal routine which included weight lifting, i've been weight lifting with this injury everyday since, however im afraid it will never go away now, should i stop working out for another 2 weeks or continue my workouts until hopefully it eventually goes away?


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