Thursday, December 15, 2011

Liability of uneven sidewalks?

I know this is the travel category but I know there are a lot of New Yorkers that look at this. I have an uneven sidewalk caused by a tree root. The tree is between the sidewalk and the street making it the responsibility of the NYC Department of Parks. I called 311 to report it, after about 18 months they finally responded. They gave me a form giving me a priority rating of 67 out of 100 and told me I would find out in several months if they would be repairing the sidewalk. Needless to say I won't be holding my breath. My question is this, if some tool decides to trip and do a faceplant in front of my house can I be found liable? I do have doentation that I reported the situation to the city, and now have verification that they know of it. Am I safe? Hoping that someone here may have experience in this matter.


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