Friday, December 23, 2011

What do you guys think about this?

it's mothers day and its time to express, since i can say more than every card in any store, i'll write for myself on how i feel now and how i felt before. todays a day of recognition of my heart condition, everytime i asked for permission and it wasnt given. for every burden that was lifted and shifted from the shoulders of my mother and dropped on the lives of every other. its been all about you since day one, every battle that was fought it wasnt over til you won. you continued to shove and called it tuff love, saying i'll regret everything once your looking down from above. i gave you the gratification, telling the world i was at blame. let you win your competitions and play your demented game. bossing me around like me and a puppy are the same. if this repetition of strife is the definition of life i'd rather not live being stabbed by a knife, but props to you to have a title of even being called a wife. im not mad and im not putting you down, im not even saying i dislike having you around. it's not your fault for the way i live, its not in my nature to say i forgive. im not asking for an explanation to your fascination of dictation and domination, and i believe your not expecting adoration or fake conversation because of an obligation, to make you smile. while. deep inside are feelings to be expressed that are worthwhile. you have the support of every single person in your life but me. you have everyone glad to be on their knees to make you happy so whether i kissed your *** to beg and plea, to fake that i love you, it wouldnt make a difference dont you agree? my gift to you on mothers day is honesty. thank you for the few things you've contributed with to make things the least bit better. and thank you for taking the time to read this letter. thank you for letting me practice on how to stand my own ground, and to not expect to always have people around, and to make sure i was used to being talked down. what you wanted is what you got, and when i was caught, you put me on the spot and made sure i never forgot. you had your brothers and sisters help you raise your child, and smiled. as you saw the misery you put everyone through, loved to make me wrong when i was right and you know its true. put me at fault out of the blue. i wonder if you ever wondered if it wasnt everyone else, maybe it was you? still, things dont change, how you are is how you'll stay. but you've always gotten your way, so i thinks thats enough for you to enjoy your mothers day.

I need some help easy 10 pts please help?

I'm 15 and recently things have been wrong and I don't no how to deal with them. I met this guy in february and hes liked me since. I told him i ddnt want a relationship until after school so he waited until june. We started going out then. We've liked eachother and been super close all feb-june and he said i love you. it was the first time both of us have ever said it too anyone. it was special and meaningful. We really trusted eachother and told eachothr everything and were together all of june. thn at the end of june we did stuff. not but other stuff. thn he wnt on vacation awhile later when he came bak it was all fine but i had personal issues going on in my life and he nvr rlly helped me thru thm and always made me feel bad about thm without noing it. thn at the end of august i met an old friend and we started liking eachothr but i stayed with my bf bc i cared about him and new it was rght thn a week later my bf broke up with me and was nasty about it not even a week later he had a new gf which crushed me even worse thn i already was. 3 weeks l8r he starts telling ppl in my grade (10th) all the stuff we did while we wr together calling me a slutt and easy. My friends have been sticking up for me but its making it worse and I really don't no wat to do im so crushed. and im so upset with myself for letting the othr guy who was nice to me at the end of august go. i really am so lost and crushed to pieces any advice

Why does it feel as if it would be so awesome to be famous?

Fame is great, you get all kinds of attention, you can even get away with murder, pedophilia, DUI's and other stuff; but you become a target and lose most, if not all, of your privacy.

Click, ta babes. :) 11 points?

Don't pet them know you are ditching them. Just little by little start hanging out the the other 2 more, and if they ask just say them asked you too. You don't need bad friends in your life. Excuse my French but **** Em! You got better things to do!

Aquatic tiny worm-like parasite?

I have a brackish water (part fresh-, part saltwater) aquarium with 8 spotted freshwater puffer fish in it and 1 African leaf fish. They are fed only frozen bloodworms and small aquarium snails. I live in southwest Florida and use tap water that is treated for the fish. I go to Petsmart sometimes and take some of the snails invading their aquariums to feed my fish and have recently noticed this very tiny hair-like worm parasite that swims up out of the rocks in the aquarium every now and then in a squiggly motion. An employee there stated that they are aware of these "worms" and that they believe they are from a fire-belly toad aquarium but are really unsure as to what they are. I'm having a hard time getting rid of them, though they don't seem to be directly affecting my fish. I know they're probably not anchor worms, because they don't attach themselves to the fish. I can sometimes see them curl up in a ball and when they do this it's hard to keep track of them, because they end up looking like the little air bubbles floating through the water. If anyone has any idea what these are and how to get rid of them, please let me know all that I can do and what to buy. I've only tried these alka-seltzer-looking tablets that you drop in the aquarium (I forget what they are called) that are supposed to get rid of some aquarium parasites and then when that didn't work, I tried simply cleaning out the aquarium and everything in it with scorching hot water, including replacing the filter inserts and everything. I just don't want to use anything dangerous for my puffers. Please help!

Getting into the Canadian Army?

As a young offender your criminal record would be sealed once you reach age 19. More at issue would be the ault complaints and the bad debts. You'd have to aska recruiter.

How can i win these mind games this girl plays?

It's a girl I been knowing since middle school and we seem to be flirting and talking late night on twitter we already told each other that we think each other cute and she knows im feelin' her.. Last night at a party when I walked in she came and gave me a real instant hug (a strong one) i danced with her alot of times (real dances) and i talked to her a few times n said i was go get at her she said get her number from twitter so i hit er taht night on twitter she didnt respond then the next mornin she hit me up on there about last night we had a quick chat then she hmu when i was sleep later saying "aye" i responded but she never hit back then she tweeted (not to me) she wanted to talk on the phone later on twitter and i hit her saying "drop yo number in my DM ima call you" she never responded but later she tweeted what i take as a subliminal "i know someone who is easy lmao!! haha" and im just confused is she playing games or im just going too fast?